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General Information

New walkers are very welcome and we would like to invite you to come along as a non member before deciding whether you wish to join the club.

For more details about the club, click on our 'History' section.


If you are interested in walking with us please contact the chairman Margaret Pegg by email margaretpegg@btinternet.com or phone 01704 574824, or the IT secretary by email wrightsteve@talktalk.net

Coach fares for season 2018-2019 are £14 for members, £17 for guests, and £5 for leaders, children and students in full time education. The annual membership fee is £10 per annum.

Code of Conduct

From a legal point of view, for the general advice of members it should be noted that your leaders regard themselves as offering a voluntary service as guides to the fells and the countryside. They do not claim to be professional mountaineers in the employment sense, and do not accept any responsibility for any claims arising out of injury or loss of life.
For insurance purposes therefore, walkers should regard themselves as 'independent Operators' and take out any personal accident cover that they may regard as necessary. Needless to say, however, the safety of all walkers will be a priority when selecting routes.

Children on walks
Children aged 15 and under should be accompanied on all walks by their parent(s) or by another adult who has agreed to do so.

Conditions above 1500 ft. are frequently different from those in the valley. Above 2500ft. they can be considerably different, and at least l0 degrees colder. Jeans should not be worn. They provide no insulation whatsoever when wet. This leads to quick loss of body heat.
Walking boots provide the best grip, give good ankle support, and keep the feet warm and dry. They are essential for all Grades of walks.

Windproof and waterproof outer clothing is essential. A spare sweater should be carried.
It is also recommended that a dry set of clothes is brought for changing into before the journey home if the day has been particularly wet. These can be left on the coach during the walk.
Woollen headgear, a scarf and gloves should always be carried. A small extra supply of high energy food should be kept in the rucksack e.g. chocolate. All leaders will be pleased to give advice to any member on the vast subject of clothing, food and equipment.

Food and drink should be brought for morning and afternoon breaks and for a packed lunch. At the end of the walk, before the coach leaves, there is time to purchase a drink in a cafe or pub.