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Code of Conduct

The Club is a walking group associated with the Range High School Formby and it is Important that anyone deciding to walk with us understands that they are agreeing to conform to the Club rules during that walk. The Club rules are designed to ensure the maximum convenience, well-being and safety of all walkers.

1. Each walker must recognise that the primary responsibility for his or her safety resides with themselves. It Is particularly Important that walkers carefully select which walks are best suited to their respective abilities and health. They must bring appropriate equipment, especially the right footwear and protective clothing. Food and drink also require careful consideration. Further details are included in General Information.

2. Each walker must follow reasonable requests and directions of designated walk leaders. Walkers should not walk ahead of front leaders; this tends to force the pace. They must stay with the main body of the walk, i.e. between the front and back leaders. Once committed to a walk, a walker must not drift away or leave that walk, even temporarily, without the agreement of the leader.

3. The Club is particularly keen to encourage children on walks. However this is subject to the condition that they are always under the direct supervision of a responsible adult. Children who are unwilling to follow the Club rules should not be brought.

4. Each walker who makes use of the organised Club coach facilities should co-operate to enable coaches to make prompt departures on the outward and return journeys. This depends upon each walker being on time. Walkers should do their best to keep the coaches clean and not expose others to nuisances such as excessive noise.

5. The Club takes adherence to the Countryside Code seriously and respects the needs of those who live and work in the country. All walkers must ensure that, where appropriate, gates are closed and litter is brought home or put into a designated place. They should follow paths and cross walls and fences at proper places as indicated by walk leaders.