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The Range Walking Club came into existence in late 1979 following one or two informal walks arranged by parents and teachers associated with Range High School, Formby. On November 18th 1979 the first formally arranged walk took place along The Sandstone Trail in Cheshire. The party was split into two groups and walked some 7 miles and 9.5 miles respectively. Interest was shown in this outing by some 106 people, which justified the founding members thoughts that a need was present for such an activity as a walking club.

Arrangements were also put in hand for a Hot Pot to be included in the February day out and this has been an annual feature since. Over the years many developments have taken place but fundamentally the club still arranges outings once a month (except August) to various parts of the north of England, North Wales and Shropshire.

Average attendance over many years was 85 persons on each trip but recently has fallen under 50. The walks for the day are divided into 4 levels of ability and provide for easy walking of 7 miles or so with relatively no ascent through to walks of 13/14 miles with ascent of some 3000ft. Transport is arranged by coaches to all destinations usually allowing for all walks to finish at one central point for pick up.

Fares charged are extremely competitive and children travel at reduced cost. The club has always been self financing but receives considerable administrative assistance from the school as and when necessary. It is estimated that the club has arranged over 1000 walks to date each led by 2 volunteer leaders from one of the leaders groups who reconnoitre each and every walk.

The club has introduced other walking activities over the years. Overseas trips have been successfully undertaken and an annual weeks walking holiday takes place in the UK covering areas such as the Isle of Arran in Scotland, North and South Devon Coastal Paths and Majorca. Annually a week ends walking is arranged, historically based in the more inaccessible area of the Lake District around Wasdale but recently in Swaledale. For several years the club held an annual Ceilidh in a local club which was a great success.

The club has provided a first class opportunity to explore areas of the country safely and provides for those interested. Map Reading Courses and opportunities to put the lessons into practice by leading walks under supervision initially. First Aid Courses are also held regularly and allow for updating previously acquired knowledge.