Sunday 19th May 2019 - Braithwaite, Cumbria

Boots are essential on all walks. There will be a toilet stop at the Teebay services on the M6. All walkers should boot up here as there is limited coach parking in Braithwaite to disembark and the coach may need to quickly relocate. There is a brand new, but only one unisex public toilet in Braithwaite, so to save queuing time please use the facilities at the services. The coach will depart Braithwaite at 17:30 for a return to Formby at approximately 19:45.

The cost of travel will be £14.00 for members, £17.00 for non-members and £5.00 for Leaders, children and students in full time education.   Please make your cheques payable to Range Walking Club and ensure they are signed as it is inconvenient for the Treasurer to chase up such omissions.

Please book by email and pay online or send in your return to the Treasurer Monica Sealey before 9th May; places will be booked on the coach by the treasurer on a first come first served basis.

Cancellations: if you need to cancel or make a late booking, please contact the Treasurer on 01704 809287 or by email who will endeavour to substitute your booking from the waiting list.  If you cancel after 9th May and it is not possible to fill your place on the coach, regrettably, we will not be able to give you a refund as coaches will have been booked on initial returns.

Club General Meeting Monday 20th May 7.30pm at Range High School As you will be aware there is a likelihood that the Club will be unable to continue after this season due to a lack of Leaders and a sharp fall in the numbers coming on the walks. A meeting, to discuss the situation, has been arranged for Monday 20th May for all club members. Please will everybody try and attend this important meeting so that all views can be taken into account in considering the matter.

Club Weekend 30th May – 2nd June 2019 The Club Weekend will be based In Reeth in the Yorkshire Dales and details of accommodation can be found on the following Please email me at to let me know if you plan to come on the weekend. Please book your room direct and then let me know where you are staying.

June Walk 2018: The details of the walks on the 23rd June which are based on Coniston in Cumbria will be published on 6th June. Due to a lack of Leaders, sadly it is not possible to offer a walk in July so the June walk will be the last walk of the season. We look forward to seeing you on the 19th May. Walk descriptions are overleaf.


‘A/B+’ Walk
Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 1900 ft
Claire Lyons
Gill Hickmott

We start our in walk in Braithwaite, taking the path out of the village which runs next to Coledale Beck.
Heading through Swinside, we eventually pick up the footpath for Cat Bells.
We slowly ascend to the top of Cat Bells enjoying the vista over Derwent Water and across to Bassenthwaite Lake.
Although the Cat Bells ascent is steep in places we will be keeping the pace slow to take time to enjoy the views.
We then take the path down towards Little Town, and turn north to Ghyll Bank.
Taking a pleasant detour around Barrow, along Stonycroft Gill, we gently descend back into Braithwaite to finish our walk.


‘B’ Walk
Distance: 9.5 miles
Ascent: 900 ft
Trevor Ludlow
David Willis

This walk is mainly on well maintained and popular paths, with no stiles!
We start by following the riverbank of Coledale Beck out of Braithwaite until we reach a minor road, which we then follow into woodland until it meets the Cumbria Way.
The Way takes us up through Fawe Park woodland before gradually descending to Derwent Bay.
After a short climb we have the opportunity for a scoop (not whip) of ice cream, to set us up for the terrace path on the slopes of Cat Bells, with glorious views over Derwent Water.
We leave the hillside and descend through Manesty Park woodland to take the picturesque shore side path back to Derwent Bay.
A short repeat of the morning route takes us back to the ice cream van, for a second scoop!
Its then along a country lane which descends to Newlands Beck.
Our route back to Braithwaite is along the river bank.
Plenty of varied scenery to enjoy.


‘C’ Walk A WALK OF NO STILES!!!!!!!
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 800 ft
Denise Nunn
Barry Whitby

This lovely walk following fields, tracks and a tiny amount of road walking and did I mention no stiles?!
We start from Braithwaite and climb up the lower slopes of Barrow.
We then continue up a gully after carefully crossing a stream, which could be a little difficult after rain.
We make our way downhill to Rowland Hill Farm and over fields to the base of Cat Bells.
If time allows and the weather is favourable we will make a short detour to give you some fine views across Derwent Water and over to Portinscale.
We follow a path through a forested area to Lingholm Estate and then carry on up to Portinscale.
From there we walk through fields and along a river bank back into Braithwaite where we can enjoy refreshments.