Sunday 15th July 2018 - Sedbergh, South Lakes

This month our walks are based on Sedbergh in the South Lakes.  The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt.  Boots are essential on all walks.  There will be a toilet stop at the Burton In Kendal services on the M6 for toilets and  an opportunity for us all to get booted up etc. The coach then continues to Sedbergh where all walks finish  and there are good  pubs (Note: The pub takes cash only), cafes and public toilets. We plan to leave at 5.30pm to be back in Formby about 7.30 pm.

The cost of travel will be £11.00 for members, £14.00 for non-members and £5.00 for Leaders, children and students in full time education.  Please make your cheques payable to Range Walking Club and ensure they are signed as it is inconvenient for the Treasurer to chase up such omissions.

Please book by email and pay online or send in your return to the Treasurer Monica Sealey before 5th July; places will be booked on the coach by the treasurer on a first come first served basis.

Cancellations: if you need to cancel or make a late booking, please contact the Treasurer on 01704 809287 or by email who will endeavour to substitute your booking from the waiting list.  If you cancel after 5th July and it is not possible to fill your place on the coach, regrettably, we will not be able to give you a refund as coaches will have been booked on initial returns.

Club AGM: The club AGM will take place on Monday 16th July at Range High School. Membership cards for next season will be issued from 7pm onwards and the meeting will commence at 7.30pm, hopefully all walkers will be able to attend.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 10.5 miles
Ascent: 2,200 ft
Gordon Spence
John Hughes

From Sedbergh we head north-east on a gently rising terrace above the River Rawthey with pleasant bucolic views across the valley to the Baugh fells.
At Cautley we pick up the excellent path rising to Cautley Spout, which provides ever changing splendid views of the series of falls, and soon reach the high point of The Howgill’s, The Calf.
The return trip is on a gently undulating plateau including Bram Rigg , Calder and Arant Haw, with grand views in all directions.


‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 1,100 ft
Claire Lyons
Lynn Smith

This is a pleasant walk, through the rolling countryside around Sedbergh.
We begin in the centre of town and walk southwards to the River Rawthey and the hamlet of Millthrop.
We follow the Dales Way along the River Dee, eventually arriving at the pretty village of Dent.
This should be our lunch stop and there will be a bit of time to look around the village.
We then cross the river and take the path back to Barth Bridge. Then, going northwards from there on the Dales High Way, we cross Long moor, Frostrow fells and High Hollins - eventually arriving back in Sedbergh.
We had a beautiful weather on the day of the reccy and hopefully it will be the same in July!


‘B’ Walk
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 1,000 ft
Trevor Ludlow
David Willis

Given fair weather, this is a delightful walk (loosely combining a local walker’s “two favourite walks”) that covers a wide variety of landscape including flower meadows, riverside, moor and quiet country roads. 
Leaving Sedbergh, we climb gently on a cart-wide lane onto Frostrow Fells and Long Moor, following a faint bridle way, with a pleasant detour along a wooded valley.
We’ll stop for lunch alongside the River Dee at Barth Bridge before joining the Dales Way alongside the river for a while, before heading across meadows and farms towards Millthrop and back to the coach.


‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7.5 miles
Ascent: 700 ft
Denise Nunn
Joan Houghton

Our walk starts from Sedbergh and covers fields, tracks and lanes with some lovely scenery.
We take a path up to a Motte and Bailey where we can climb to the top for some lovely views.
We then carry on below Winder and reach a farm where we can hopefully buy local ice cream.
(We couldn't find anyone to serve us on the recce.) After climbing a lane, we cross some fields and reach the impressive Lune Viaduct. After passing through fields, farms and hamlets we reach  the smaller Sedbergh Viaduct.
We climb up to the old railway track bed and down to the old mill at Birks.
After passing through the hamlet wewalk back into Sedbergh passing through the grounds of Sedbergh School.