Sunday 16th July 2017 - Ingleton, Yorkshire Dales

This month our walks are in the Yorkshire Dales.  The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt and travel to Ingleton where all the walks start and finish.  Boots are essential on all walks and we will have a stop at services for toilets and booting up.  We will depart Ingleton at 5.30pm and should be back in Formby about 7.30pm.

The cost of travel will be £10.00 for members, £13.00 for non-members and £5.00 for Leaders, children and students in full time education. Please make your cheque payable to Range Walking Club and ensure it is signed as it is inconvenient for the Treasurer to chase up such omissions.

Please send in your return to the Treasurer Monica Sealey before 10th July; places will be booked on the coach by the treasurer on a first come first served basis.

Cancellations: if you need to cancel or make a late booking, please contact the Treasurer on 01704 809287 or by email who will endeavour to substitute your booking from the waiting list.  If you cancel after 11th May and it is not possible to fill your place on the coach, regrettably, we will not be able to give you a refund as coaches will have been booked on initial returns.

Club AGM Monday 17th July at Range High School:  Membership cards for next season will be issued from 7pm onwards and the meeting will commence at 7.30pm.  Please make a note of the date, hopefully all walkers will be able to attend.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 11.2 miles
Ascent: 2500 ft
Ken Bryning
Shaun Rollinson
Bob Scurr

A superb walk in classic Three Peaks country, taking in the heights of Ingleborough and the valley of Chapel-le-Dale with its lovely church. We also cover some sections of Wainwright’s Pennine Journey.

Starting at the car park in Ingleton, we walk out of town towards Ingleborough. Very shortly we peel off up the Fell Lane track which leads onto the open fell as we pass Crina Bottom Farm. We then begin the steady ascent of Ingleborough. Arriving at the summit (724m/2375ft) we are hopefully met with superb 360-degree views – and if the weather is unkind we can get our breath back in the commodious shelter!

We descend from Ingleborough via the Swine Tail path, before steeply descending to Humphrey Bottom. The path is generously equipped with steps but is nevertheless steep, and those needing poles would be well advised to bring them! From the bottom of the slope we follow the well-constructed duckboards that stop us sinking without trace in the bog, until we reach a stunning area of limestone pavement and potholes. Given time we may make a detour to Great Douk Cave.

Eventually we reach the road in Chapel-le-Dale. We then walk down the road past the famous Hill Inn (if we can) and go to the church. After visiting the church we ascend the wide track towards Ellerbeck past the impressive Hurtle Pot, until we turn off SW across Hard Rigg and Scales Moor. 

Upon reaching Twistleton Scar End we will simply descend via the quiet Oddies Lane to Ingleton. Those so inclined (and with deep pockets) may wish to descend the waterfalls walk from Beezleys Farm as an alternative.


‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10.5 miles
Ascent: 1600 ft
Ray Belcher
Ray Webb

Starting close to the entrance of the Ingleton Waterfalls Walk we start a steady ascent through fields heading towards Thornton Hall. 
Continuing through a couple of farms we join Tow Scar Lane where we have a good view of a Radio Station on the hill to the east. 
The track continues to rise steadily and we reach an area rich in shake holes and caves.  Eventually we reach our first high point and we can look down into shake holes and Jingling Pot (not a place to fall in).

 At our first opportunity we go east and drop down towards Kingsdale Beck finding a convenient spot for lunch. Looking east we have good views of Whernside and Ingleborough, part of the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge. 
We now proceed south crossing a footbridge and then climb steadily towards Botany Bay and George’s Scar, keeping an eye out for lots of shrew nests in the grasses next to the path.

Eventually we reach Oddies Lane, an old Roman Road. 
At this point, time and energy permitting, we could make a short detour and look at the ford and the thirty stepping stones that cross the River Doe. 
A steady walk down Oddies Lane to Ingleton completes the walk.



‘B’ Walk
Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 1300 ft
Liz Bellman
Louise Pimm

The walk starts from the main car park in Ingleton and follows Oddies Lane, climbing steadily until we reach Scar End.
Then, after a short steep climb to Ewes Top, we follow a Pennine Journey along the ridge of Twistleton (hopefully seeing some wild flowers and, of course, some other points of interest) until we reach Ellerbeck Gill. From here we descend into Chapel-le-Dale, a small hamlet.
Here we join the Roman Road along the valley floor to meet Oddies Lane as we make our way back to Ingleton. 
Unfortunately due to adverse weather conditions and prior commitments we were unable to fit in a recee before the write-up was due.  However, we will be going to Ingleton before the walk date, so please read the information that we will circulate on the coach for a more detailed description.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 560 ft
Ann Belcher
Keith Jacques

This circular walk loops up past Thornton Hall then west along the hillside to the outskirts of Burton in Lonsdale before returning to Ingleton broadly following the River Greta. 
Most of the climbing takes place in the first mile which we will take slowly and after which we will hopefully enjoy coffee with a view before continuing.
We then follow a variety of (undulating) paths and tracks together with some road walking.
The number of small fields we pass through gives us the opportunity to appreciate the many different types of stile on offer as we cross approximately 23 of them.