Sunday 20th October 2015 - Llangollen, North Wales

This month our walks are based on Llangollen in North Wales. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt and go direct to the start of the walk.  The A and B walks start at Trevor where there are toilets for the B walk, these may fit with the A, if not it’s Al Fresco.  The B+ and C walks start in Llangollen, note the public toilets in Llangollen are 30p male and female .  All walks finish in Llangollen  where there is plenty to see and offers  a wide choice of refreshments. We plan to leave at 5.30 pm  to be back in Formby about 7.30pm

The cost of travel will be £10.00 for members, £13.00 for non-members and £5.00 for Leaders, children and students in full time education. Please make your cheque payable to Range Walking Club and ensure it is signed as it is inconvenient for the Treasurer to chase up such omissions.

Please send in your return to the Treasurer before 10th September; places will be booked on the coach by the treasurer on a first come first served basis.

Cancellations: if you need to cancel or make a late booking, please contact the Treasurer on 01704 809287 or by email who will endeavour to substitute your booking from the waiting list.  If you cancel after 10th September and it is not possible to fill your place on the coach, regrettably, we will not be able to give you a refund as coaches will have been booked on initial returns.

The Club Weekend Great Malvern Friday 3rd – Monday 6th June 2016
The weekend will be based on the Abbey Hotel Great Malvern and details of the 3 night dinner bed breakfast deal are attached.  Rooms are being held for 7 days so if possible please return your reply slip along with the walk letter.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 13 miles
Ascent: 2200 ft
Gordon Spence
John Hughes

From Trevor we are on Offa’s Dyke Path to a promontory above Bron Heulog with stunning views of the Dee valley, a definite coffee stop!  
We then head north on a mix of tarmac and moor soon reaching Frozen Clock then a good track to Pant-glas.
Turning west and continuing to climb we traverse Ruabon Mountain to World’s End.
A path atop limestone crags offers wide ranging views .
As we head south we take in the summit of Craig Arthur before a steep descent requiring care  to reach the Offa’s Dyke path 600 ft below.
The last climb of the day is to the dramatic Castle Dinas Bray with a bird’s eye view of Llangollen below where well-earned refreshments await us.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 2500 ft
Lynn Smith
Claire Lyon

We begin our walk in Llangollen and leave the town in a northerly direction, heading towards Castell Dinas.
We continue along the Offa’s Dyke path which wends its way along one side of a picturesque valley.
We reach the Horseshoe pass and, crossing over the road, we head towards the summit of Moel y Faen, then on to Moel y Gamelin.
At 577m, this is the highest point of our walk, providing superb panoramic views.
Then it is downhill all the way back - towards the River Dee and the Horseshoe Falls.
We complete the walk back to town along the Llangollen canal.



‘B’ Walk
Distance: 9.5 miles
Ascent: 1100 ft
Trevor Ludlow
Julie Cork

This linear walk starts at Trevor on Thomas Telford’s canal aqueduct, 123 feet above the river Dee (more info on the walk). 
After a short walk along the canal (we will discover the source of the canals water later in the walk) we leave it to cut across fields and the old railway line to enter Trevor Woods, passing Trevor Hall (get the drift!) we emerge for morning coffee on the Panoramic Walk, beneath Trevor rocks!!!. 
This gives us a splendid view of the derelict Castell Dinas Bray, 812 ft above Llangollen.  We skirt round the castle hill before heading north on the Clwydian Way. 
We turn  west to cross two picturesque valleys before heading south to the Horseshoe Fall on the river Dee.
This is a man-made weir providing the headwater for the Llangollen Canal. 
The end of the walk is on the canal tow path back to Llangollen. 
PS. There are a number of styles and it will help to have a 25 inch inside leg measurement!!

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 700 ft
Denise Nunn
Tony Nunn

From the centre of Llangollen (pay toilets) we cross the River Dee and the canal to head north and then west to join the Offa’s Dyke Path.
The path is good if steep in parts but will be taken slowly and any hard work is over before lunch!
Heading north along Offa’s  Dyke at the base of the Eglwyseg Escarpment for a couple of miles we then descend and pick up the Clwydian Way on the west side of Fron Fawr to Abbey Cottage and then past the remains of Valle Crucis Abbey to reach the Llangollen Canal near the motor museum.
A gentle stroll by the canal brings us back to the tea rooms (free toilets; nice cakes) and facilities of Llangollen.
A short detour up the steep hill to Dinas Bran Castle for spectacular views over the Dee valley may be offered for those with the energy but will not be compulsory!