Sunday 15th June 2014 - Langdales, Lake District

This month our walks are based around the picturesque Langdale valleys, in The Lakes District. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt and there will be a toilet stop at Burton-in-Kendal services on the M6 en-route.  All walks finish at The New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel for toilets and refreshments.  We plan to leave at 5.30 pm to be back in Formby about 7.45 pm.  Boots are essential on all walks.   

The cost of travel will be £10.00 for members, £13.00 for non-members and £5.00 for Leaders, children and students in full time education. Please make your cheque payable to Range Walking Club and ensure it is signed as it is inconvenient for the Treasurer to chase up such omissions.

Please send in your return to the Treasurer before 5th June. Places will be booked on the coach by the treasurer on a first come first served basis.

Cancellations: if you need to cancel or make a late booking, please contact the Treasurer on 01704 871308 who will endeavour to substitute your booking from the waiting list.  If you cancel after 5th June and it is not possible to fill your place on the coach, regrettably, we will not be able to give you a refund as coaches will have been booked on initial returns.

Club Weekend 2014: 27th-29th June 2014 Braithwaite Lake District
The weekend will be based at the Coledale Inn, Braithwaite Cumbria CA12 5TN.  The weekend will commence on Friday evening with a meeting at 9pm to discuss the various walks on offer on Saturday and Sunday.  On Saturday evening there will be a group meal at the Coledale Inn for everybody on the weekend regardless of where they are staying.  The Hotel Manager would like us to order our meal for the Saturday at the meeting on Friday evening.  There will also be a walk on the Friday afternoon commencing at 1pm for those who are able to get there by Friday lunchtime.  Please will those coming on the weekend complete the reply slips to indicate when they expect to arrive.

The Coledale Inn is now full but there is other accommodation available in the village.  Details of this including bed and breakfast accommodation can be found under the Braithwaite entry on Trip Adviser.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 3000 ft
Lynn Smith
Gordon Spence

An exhilarating ridge walk, with birds-eye views of the ring of fells enclosing Great Langdale. In addition, given good visibility there are stunning views of all The Lake District’s highest peaks.
We start and finish with a short road walk. Much of the ascent to Red Tarn, and descent from Three Tarns on The Band, is on good paths with long runs of stone steps.
The ridge walk  starts at Great Knott, on to the summits of the five Crinkle Crags and Shelter Crag.
The terrain is rough in general with short sharp ascents to boulder strewn summits so the going will be slow.
A couple of short stretches require the use of hands and a small degree of exposure, these and The Bad Step can be mostly avoided by short detours as desired. In poor weather the walk presents greater risks and a substitute walk will take place.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 1600 ft
Dave Kneale
Helen Kneale

An energetic walk around the scenic Langdale valleys.
This walk takes us through varied countryside and though much of the way is on excellent tracks, a few sections are boggy and / or rocky.
There are several moderate climbs and a number of stiles to cross. Strong waterproof boots are essential.
The walk starts in the village of Elterwater where there are public toilet facilities (20p).
From there we head north-west following Great Langdale Beck until swinging southwards through Burlington slate quarry then climbing gradually through wooded hills into Little Langdale.
Heading south-east we take in the hamlet of Hacket then onto Colwith, eventually tuning west to pass beneath Great How, through Strang End and onto a woodland track towards High Tilberthwaite.
The path then leads us back through extensive and long disused quarries to Low Hall Garth.
Passing near to Little Langdale Tarn we cross the valley then gradually climb, passing by ‘Castle Howe’ before turning northward across Blea Moss and into woodland surrounding Blea Tarn.
From the tarn we follow a good track until we meet the road at the pass beneath Side Pike then descend into Great Langdale.
Turning north-east we pass along the valley eventually joining the Cumbria Way at Side House to cross the beck and main road. 
From there it’s a short stride to the coach at the New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel……and well-earned refreshments.



‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8.5 miles
Ascent: 900 ft
Trevor Ludlow
Linda Trolope

This linear walk begins at Skelwith Bridge and starts by following the Cumbria Way, through attractive wild meadows and woodland to Colwith Force waterfall. 
We will stop here for our morning break.  We then gradually climb out of the woods to skirt round Great How, with views over Little Langdale to Lingmoor Fell. 
We will then follow Pierce How Beck in woodland, before returning to Little Langdale though Moss Rigg Wood.
This takes us to Slater Bridge (a 17th century pack horse bridge over the River Brathay), where we stop for lunch. 
For the afternoon we take paths though fields gradually ascending to Howe Banks and Sawrey’s Wood, the highest point of the walk. 
The final section of the walk descends out of the wood into the Langdale Valley, to contour along the valley side to Oak Howe, for our afternoon stop.
We then rejoin the Cumbria Way, to finish at The New Dungeon Gill.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 700 ft
Tony Nunn
Denise Nunn

Starting from the pretty hamlet of Elterwater (toilets 20p coin) we follow the level Cumbria Way south east to Skelwith Force Waterfall.
A gentle climb on good paths then takes us to Colwith Force Waterfall and a downhill walk to Little Langdale Tarn and the ancient Slater Bridge (an old Packhorse bridge). 
A short pull uphill takes us into the main Langdale valley where we follow bridleways to the New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel and Stickle Barn (NT) for refreshments, toilets (free) and the coach.
The scenery is varied – rivers, waterfalls, tarns, woods (Bluebells and Wild Garlic in early May), and excellent views of the Langdale hills and waterfalls. Paths are good and the short uphill sections will be taken at an easy pace.