Sunday 19th January 2014 - Barrowford nr Pendle, Lancashire

Our walks this month take us to Barrowford in the Trough of Bowland.  The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt and travel directly to Barrowford where we have been advised we can use the toilets at the visitor centre.  All walks start & finish at Barrowford and Boots are essential. At the end of the day there is a tea room at the visitor centre & various hostelries nearby.
We plan to leave at 5.00 pm to be back in Formby about 7.00 pm.

The cost of travel will be £10.00 for members, £13.00 for non-members and £5.00 for Leaders, children and students in full time education. Please make your cheque payable to Range Walking Club and ensure it is signed as it is inconvenient for the Treasurer to chase up such omissions.

Please send in your return to the Treasurer at 19 Burlington Ave Formby before 9th January; places will be booked on the coach by the treasurer on a first come first served basis.

Cancellations: if you need to cancel or make a late booking, please contact the Treasurer on 01704 871308 who will endeavour to substitute your booking from the waiting list.  If you cancel after      9th January and it is not possible to fill your place on the coach, regrettably, we will not be able to give you a refund as coaches will have been booked on initial returns.

Christmas Walk:  29th December 2013 27 people enjoyed the walk in dry sunny weather and the majority of them went for a meal at the Dolphin Inn which was very enjoyable.

Club Weekend 2014: 27th-29th June 2014 Braithwaite Lake District
The weekend will be based at the Coledale Inn, Braithwaite in the Lake District. The weekend will commence on Friday evening with a meeting at 9pm to discuss the various walks on offer on Saturday and Sunday.  On Saturday evening there will be a group meal at the Coledale Inn.  There may also be walks arranged for the Friday for those who are able to get there on Friday morning.

When booking rooms at the Coledale Inn Tel No: 017687 78272 please tell them you are a member of the Range Walking Club as rooms are being held for us.  Alternative accommodation available in Braithwaite is The Royal Oak 017687 78533, Middle Ruddings 017687 78436 and a camp site   We do hope you are able to come.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 2000 ft
Ken Bryning
Bob Scurr

Starting at the Heritage Centre in Barrowford we leave by the Pendle Way to the ridge separating Roughlee from Barrowford then follow this south west to Newchurch.  This is the home of the Pendle Witches but on the recce we only met a single dog walker whilst we sat in the children’s play area for coffee!

We begin our ascent via Fell Wood above the Ogden Reservoirs and on to Spence Moor before reaching the Nick O’ Pendle path, which we follow up Ogden Clough and then using some rather excellent placed flagstones attain the summit of Pendle Hill at 557 m (1832 ft).  Pendle Hill, whilst not a true mountain (needs to be over 2000 ft) sits proudly in the Ribble Valley in the Forest of Bowland and has extensive views over it’s surroundings.

The descent is via Pendle House and Barley, before following the Pendle Way again and eventually passing Thorney Holme, heads up above the caravan site and back over the ridge to Barrowford.  The walk is superb taking in both village and high moorland scenery without any severe climbs.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10.5 miles
Ascent: 1400-1850 ft
Dave Purdy
Eddy Drela

The “B+” walk follows the same route as the “C” walk from Barrowford Visitor Centre via Pendle Water and Blacko Water as far as Lower Black Moss reservoir. At this point we head north for a short way to Salt Pie, then west by way of Higher Laithe, Windy Harbour & Pendle House at the foot of Pendle Hill. Once here there are two options depending on the weather & the wishes of the group:.

We can EITHER do a “Grand Old Duke of York” & go up to the summit of Pendle Hill on the stepped path, along the top, then back down another path to where we started, picking up the Pendle Way into Barley, OR forget Pendle Hill & continue south from Pendle House to loop round both Upper & Lower Ogden Reservoirs to reach Barley.

From Barley car park( snacks & toilets here ) we follow the Pendle Way again eastwards towards White Hough, then a riverside path through Thorney Holme, climb above a caravan site before finally descending back into Barrowford.



‘B’ Walk
Distance: 9.5 miles
Ascent: 900 ft
Glennis Poole
Carole Bryning

This walk starts by going northwards out of Barrowford to join the towpath of the Leeds to Liverpool canal. 

We follow the canal and the course of the Foulridge canal tunnel to Foulridge Wharf and continue on the towpath as far as Mill Hill Bridge.  Here we make our way across fields and then turn westwards for the steady climb to Lister Well Road and extensive views over the surrounding countryside. 

A good track takes us south-westwards to cross Gisburn Old Road from where we descend to Admergill Water.  We follow the river path (possibly muddy in places) around Blacko Hill and then follow the Pendle Way alongside the river back to Barrowford.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7.5 miles
Ascent: 800 ft
Janet Purdy
Ray Webb

A circular walk, with gentle climbs, much of the route is along hard paths and country lanes though there is a good chance of encountering some mud!

From the Visitor Centre in Barrowford we take a riverside path along Pendle Water and Blacko Water and after a gradual climb along a quiet road reach the Black Moss reservoirs with extensive views of the surrounding countryside and Pendle Hill looming in the distance. We then arrive at the pretty village of Barley where there are toilets and a cosy café. We could call in here for a drink and warm! We then follow the Pendle Way through woodland to Thorney Holme and after skirting a caravan park we walk downhill back into Barrowford.