Sunday 16th February 2014 - Staveley, South Lakes

Our walks this month are based on Staveley in the South Lakes. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt and travel directly to Staveley where we can use the toilets at The Eagle & Child Inn.  The “B”+ “B” and “C” walks start & finish at Staveley.  The “A” walkers continue on the coach to Ambleside where the “A” walk starts.  Boots are essential on all walks.   All walks are planned to finish by 4.30pm at The Eagle & Child Inn so that there is time to relax before the meal at 5pm.  After the meal we will return to Formby arriving between 8.00pm & 8.30pm.

Please send in your return to the Treasurer at before 6th February; places will be booked on the coach by the treasurer on a first come first served basis.

Cancellations: if you need to cancel or make a late booking, please contact the Treasurer on 01704 871308 who will endeavour to substitute your booking from the waiting list.  If you cancel after 6th February and it is not possible to fill your place on the coach, regrettably, we will not be able to give you a refund as coaches will have been booked on initial returns.

Hot Pot meal: Please complete the reply slip indicating your choice of menu and return to the Treasurer with a separate cheque payable to Range Walking Club.  

Club Weekend 2014: 27th-29th June 2014 Braithwaite Lake District
The weekend will be based at the Coledale Inn, Braithwaite in the Lake District. The weekend will commence on Friday evening with a meeting at 9pm to discuss the various walks on offer on Saturday and Sunday.  On Saturday evening there will be a group meal at the Coledale Inn.  There may also be walks arranged for the Friday for those who are able to get there on Friday morning.

When booking rooms at the Coledale Inn Tel No: 017687 78272 please tell them you are a member of the Range Walking Club as rooms are being held for us.  Alternative accommodation available in Braithwaite is The Royal Oak 017687 78533, Middle Ruddings 017687 78436 and a camp site   We do hope you are able to come.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 11.5 miles
Ascent: 2300 ft
John/Edwina Roberts
Margaret Pegg

The “A” walk starts in Ambleside by climbing Blue Hill and traversing until we meet the path which climbs to the summit of Wansfell Pike. 
On a clear day the views from here of Windermere and several ranges of fells is magnificent. 
Having admired these wonderful views we drop down to Troutbeck via Nanny Lane.
After crossing to the other side of the valley we take the Garburn Pass over into Kentmere. 
We then follow the north side of the valley to Staveley passing Kentmere Hall and Kentmere. 
In the event of bad weather an alternative lower route will be taken from Ambleside to Troutbeck.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10.6 miles
Ascent: 2000 ft
Jane Fowler
Andy Fowler

We leave Staveley northwards and head to pick up the path taking us towards Littlewood Farm where we continue to Brunt Knott Farm and then start climbing over the moors of Brunt Knott. 
We descend to the End before heading north along the Longsleddale valley to Hollin Root. 
Here, heading west we start our climb through Sleddale Forest and onwards to Staveley Head Fell where we descend southwards back to the village and a well-earned hot pot supper.



‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8.5 miles
Ascent: 1125 ft
David Wake
Gill Hickmott

Starting from Staveley we set off along the Dales Way, south westerly, under the railway and over the A591 through fields to climb gently up the lane to Fell Plain.
From here we head south through rough fields with limestone outcrops, past Yew Tree Farm, over the Crook Road to the ruins of St Catherine's Church.
More field paths take us past Crook Hall to lanes leading to Crag Hills. Field Paths and green lanes bring us to Capplerigg Lane, then over the Crook Road once more and across fields to Knott Hill (not a hill, more of a mound!).
Continuing now northwards through Ashes Coppice and on across more fields and stiles into Staveley for a well-earned hot pot supper.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 6.6 miles
Ascent: 890 ft
Alan Thomas
Steve Wright

This circular walk based on Staveley, takes in a variety of terrain and weather permitting will provide some good views of the eastern fells.
After crossing the river Kent by a footbridge in Staveley, we ascend to Littlewood farm and then continue to climb up to Potter tarn.
From the tarn we descend to Ghyll pool and then continue southward to Mirefoot. We then take a quiet lane to Bowston where we join the Dales Way.
We follow the Dales Way past Cowan Head and continue by following the river back to Staveley.
All the climbing is in the first couple of miles. We will take this very slowly with plenty of stops on the way.