Sunday 13th April 2014 - Grasmere, Lake District

This month our walks are based at Grasmere in the Lake District. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt. The “A” and “B” walks start from the car park opposite Hayes Garden Centre in Ambleside. The “B+” and “C” walks start from the main coach park at Grasmere. All walks finish at Grasmere where there are refreshment opportunities and shops to cater for all tastes.

On the outward journey from Formby there will be a brief toilet stop at Burton Services at which time “A” and “B” walkers should also put on their boots and retrieve rucksacks ready for a quick disembarkation at Ambleside. All walkers are advised to carry some small change as most of the public toilets in the Lake District now charge 20p for the privilege!!  We plan to leave at 5.30 pm to be back in Formby about 7.30 pm.  Boots are essential on all walks.   

The cost of travel will be £10.00 for members, £13.00 for non-members and £5.00 for Leaders, children and students in full time education. Please make your cheque payable to Range Walking Club and ensure it is signed as it is inconvenient for the Treasurer to chase up such omissions.

Please send in your return to the Treasurer before 3rd April. Places will be booked on the coach by the treasurer on a first come first served basis.

Cancellations: if you need to cancel or make a late booking, please contact the Treasurer on 01704 871308 who will endeavour to substitute your booking from the waiting list.  If you cancel after 3rd April and it is not possible to fill your place on the coach, regrettably, we will not be able to give you a refund as coaches will have been booked on initial returns.

Club Weekend 2014: 27th-29th June 2014 Braithwaite Lake District
The weekend will be based at the Coledale Inn, Braithwaite in the Lake District. The weekend will commence on Friday evening with a meeting at 9pm to discuss the various walks on offer on Saturday and Sunday.  On Saturday evening there will be a group meal at the Coledale Inn.  There may also be walks arranged for the Friday for those who are able to get there on Friday morning.

When booking rooms at the Coledale Inn Tel No: 017687 78272 please tell them you are a member of the Range Walking Club as rooms are being held for us.  Alternative accommodation available in Braithwaite is The Royal Oak 017687 78533, Middle Ruddings 017687 78436 and a camp site   We do hope you are able to come.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 3200 ft
Ken Bryning
Bob Scurr

A chance to climb one of the iconic mountains of the Lake District-Fairfield.  Starting from the Garden Centre in Ambleside we walk up through the village, time to get that last Cornish pasty or flapjack, or a pair of socks, before taking the lane to Low Sweden Bridge and the start of the eastern ridge of the Fairfield Horseshoe.
The ridge is a continuous climb of more than 2700 feet over Low Pike, High Pike, Dove Crag and Hart Crag onto the Fairfield plateau at 873m (2880 ft ).
Fairfield holds a very central position in the Lakeland Fells and (on a good day ) excellent views surround you.
We will descend on the western side of the Horseshoe via Great Rigg and Stone Arthur, passing the Swan Hotel on the A591 and back across fields to Grasmere village.
If the weather is unsuitable on the day a lower level walk, probably incorporating Loughrigg Fell and Silver Howe will be substituted.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10.5 miles
Ascent: 2000 ft
Dave Purdy
Eddie Drala

From Grasmere the walk proceeds generally northwest via Goody Bridge into the valley of Far Easedale which we follow to it’s head.
This part of the route is almost all on good stony tracks and gradually climbs about 1500 ft over a distance of 4 miles.
Once at the head of the valley we turn southeast and take the undulating and in some places squelchy ridge path via Calf  Crag, Gibson Knott and Bracken Hause to the end of the ridge at Helm Crag.
Given good conditions the views from the ridge are excellent in all directions.
A steep descent from the ridge then follows and finally we return into Grasmere through the grounds of Lancrigg.



‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 1300 ft
Janet Purdy
Ray Webb

A classic Lake District walk with many of the iconic Lakeland views.
Starting at Ambleside we walk to Rothay Bridge and after a steep climb which will be taken at a slow pace we skirt Loughrigg Fell with views back towards Windermere, then circle Loughrigg Tarn before dropping into Skelwith Bridge.
Following the River Brathay to Elterwater ( of Brittania Fame ) we contemplate Huntingstile Crag, our next ascent, followed by a pleasant downhill path to the shores of Grasmere.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 6 miles
Ascent: 700 ft
David Poole
Glennis Poole

This is a classic Lakeland walk. 
Starting in Grasmere village we follow the western side of Grasmere lake and then the south side of Rydal Water as far as the village of Rydal. 
After a short but steady climb past Rydal Mount we pick up the coffin route above the lakes back to Grasmere.