Sunday 16th June 2013 - Kirkby Lonsdale, Cumbria

This month our walks are based on Kirkby Lonsdale. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt.  There will be a brief stop enroute at Burton Services on the M6.  B” and “C” walks start from Devil’s Bridge  in Kirkby Lonsdale . “A” walkers should remain on the coach for another 10 minutes to reach their starting point. All walks finish at Devil’s Bridge, Kirkby Lonsdale. It is only a few minutes stroll from there into the centre of town for post walk refreshments.  We plan to leave at 5.30pm and should be back in Formby by 7.30pm.

The cost of travel will be £10.00 for members, £13.00 for non-members and £5.00 for Leaders, children and students in full time education. Please make your cheque payable to Range Walking Club and ensure it is signed as it is inconvenient for the Treasurer to chase up such omissions.

Please send in your return to the Treasurer at 19 Burlington Ave Formby before 6th June; places will be booked on the coach by the treasurer on a first come first served basis.

Cancellations: if you need to cancel or make a late booking, please contact the Treasurer on 01704 871308 who will endeavour to substitute your booking from any waiting list. If this is not possible, then regrettably we will not be able to give you a refund as coaches will have been booked on initial returns.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 12.5 miles
Ascent: 2800 ft
Ken Bryning
Bob Scurr

Barbon & Middleton Fells

This is an excellent linear walk giving good views and varied terrain all day  - weather permitting! 
The coach will take us onwards from Kirkby Lonsdale to Middleton on the A683 (about 10 minutes ride only).
Starting at Middleton House (623 856) we will take paths via Mill House up onto Middleton Fell which we ascend to its’ ridge near Calf Top (609m).
From there we follow the superb ridgeline, gradually descending into Barbon village (where it may be possible to sample the delights of the ancient inn!). 
Our route from Barbon takes us up onto Barbon Low Fell where we follow lesser known paths and tracks to the summit trig point at 651 808.
There are great views from here across the Three Peaks and down to Morecambe Bay.
We then descend slowly via paths, tracks and quiet lanes to Casterton and thence back to Kirkby Lonsdale.



‘B’ Walk
Distance: 10.25 miles
Ascent: 900 ft
Dave Purdy
Carol & Pippa Scurr

The “B” walk explores the area on the east side of the River Lune to the north of Kirkby Lonsdale.
The walk route is very varied and full of interest.
Starting from Devil’s Bridge we head off firstly northeast towards High Casterton, then east to Bindloss Farm, finally turning north on an enclosed track with some interesting sheepfolds ( how many can you find? ).
A short stretch on a minor lane brings us to Fell Garth and  then fields and the parkland of Whelprigg Hall lead us to Barbon.
The return route uses a riverside path through a golf course, an optional “loop” along the banks of the River Lune and the grounds of Casterton School with it’s Bronte sisters connections.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7.5 miles
Ascent: 500 ft
Glennis Poole
Janet Purdy

Starting from the Devil’s Bridge we walk north along a riverside path into the picturesque town of Kirkby Lonsdale where we can admire the architecture and also walk to Ruskin’s View, subject of a painting by Turner.
We then walk through the Market Square and take a footpath which climbs steadily to Wood End with extensive views towards Kendal. Walking along a stream we reach Sellet Mill and cross fields to Sellet Hall with a chance to climb to the trig point at Sellet Bank.
A quiet lane brings us to the pretty village of Whittington where we take a footpath from the churchyard and make our way back to the River Lune along Coney garth Lane with imposing views of Ingleborough.
We then follow the Lune Valley Ramble north back to Devil’s Bridge.