Sunday 20th May 2012 - Kirby Stephen

On Sunday, 20 May, our walks are based at Kirkby Stephen.
The coach will leave as usual from school at 8am prompt and travel direct to Kirkby Stephen without a stop en route. There are toilet facilities in the village and all walks will start and end here. There is a choice of refreshments etc in the village.  We plan to leave Kirkby Stephen at 5pm arriving back in Formby at approx 7.00-7.30pm traffic permitting.

The cost of travel will be £10.00 for adults, £13.00 for guests and £5.00 for Leaders, children and students in full time education.  

Returns must go to the Chairman by Thursday, 110th May. Please get your returns in on time!!

If you need to cancel or make a late booking, please contact the Chairman on 01704 876971 who will endeavour to substitute your booking from any waiting list.
If this is not possible, then regrettably no refunds will be given as coaches will have been booked on initial returns.
Please ensure that your cheques are signed prior to being sent in – it is inconvenient for the Treasurer to chase up such omissions.

1. Leaders Planning Meeting

NB   The date of the meeting has been changed to 21 May.  Time & place remain the same  -  8pm at The Pinewoods.

2.   Club Bank Holiday Weekend, 1-5 June, 2012

It’s not too late to join in and come along !!
Fri 1 June    Travel independently to Brecon  (car sharing if possible!)
                  9pm  -  Briefing meeting  (Venue tbd)
Sat 2 June   Option of 2 walks of 6mls or 8mls
                  Evening – Optional Group Meal (pre-arranged to suit all tastes & budgets)
Sun & Mon   Option of walks as for Saturday
Tues           Walks to be arranged (half or full day according to members wishes)
                  Depart for home.
You can choose to walk every day or as few days as you wish according to weather or as the spirit moves you !

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 10.5 miles
Ascent: 2000 ft
Carole &
Bob Scurr

A classic walk to a famous landmark is the highpoint of this walk. Nine Standards Rigg is a waymark for all “Coast to Coast” walkers and on a fine day gives commanding views across to the Lakes, Dales and even Middlesbrough!
Starting in Kirkby Stephen we ascend gradually, via the hamlet of Hartley, on quiet lanes and tracks until reaching the open fellside.
A good track takes us to Faraday Gill where the only real sharp ascent of the day leads us fairly quickly, via a good path and welcome stone bench, to the Nine Standards themselves.
Stopping to study these strange pillars for a while, we then make our way to the actual summit before descending from the fell once again.
A short section of mud and wet ground (!) brings us back to the track we left earlier.
We then return to Kirkby Stephen via a different route that takes us along lanes and fields and down the delightful limestone gorge of Ewbank Scar.
A gentle stroll by the river brings us past a convenient natural bootwash and back to town where the usual pubs and teashops await.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 1500 ft
Dave Purdy
Ray Webb

From Kirkby Stephen we follow the River Eden south to cross the disused Stainmore Railway before entering the woods beneath Ewbank Scar.
Skirting Birkett Hill we pass through Ladthwaite and ascend the lower slopes of Hartley Fell to join a track that takes us above Dukerdale and on to Tailbridge Hill.
The homeward stretch is downhill into Nateby, over the disused railway and along the river back into town.
A varied walk that includes woodland, riverbanks and open fells with, weather permitting, excellent views over the Eden Valley and beyond.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 900 ft
Janet Purdy
Glennis Poole

This is a varied walk with extensive views and very gentle ascents.
Starting from Kirkby Stephen we set out on good paths following the River Eden through woodland to Nateby. We then head along the side of Thringill Beck, skirting
the edge of Great Bell. We get the impression of being high up without any of the pain!
A stretch of road walking brings us to the remains of Pendragon Castle where we will have lunch before returning along excellent paths overlooking the Eden Valley with distant views of Cross Fell. We pass Lammerside Castle and the fortified Manor House of Wharton Hall to arrive back at Kirkby Stephen. A short history of each castle will be available at no extra cost!

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 6.5 miles
Ascent: 650 ft
Jean Makeating
A N Other

From Kirkby Stephen we head east across Frank’s Bridge and follow the footpath to Hartley village. From there we take the minor road uphill, sometimes quite steeply, round the north of Hartley Quarries. 
This is the main climb of the day and it will be taken very slowly with frequent rest stops to admire the views across the fells. 
Once at the top, we descend past Fell House to the end of the road before taking the small farm road/track to Landthwaite Farm. 
From here we take the grassy footpath around the base of Birkett Hill and across the fields to Lockthwaite Farm where we turn north to join the disused railway track for a short distance, then  a footpath to Nateby. 
Crossing the fields to the river we follow the riverside path taking us back to Kikby Stephen with it’s 2 café’s  (The Mulberry Bush is good!) and it’s 2 pubs.