Sunday 25th March 2012 - Hayfield, Derbyshire

On Sunday, 25 March, our walks are based at Hayfield and will be followed by the re-arranged Hot Pot Supper. (See below for details). 
The coach will leave as usual from school at 8am prompt and travel direct to Hayfield where there are toilet facilities.   NB.  ‘B’ walkers will be leaving the coach before Hayfield so they should take boots and rucsacs on to the coach and be prepared for a quick exit!

We hope to be back in Formby between 8.30 / 9.00pm  traffic permitting.    


1. Hot Pot Supper

On completion of our walks, the coach will take us to the ‘Waltzing Weasel’ for our meal.  This will consist of 2 courses with an individual choice of 4 Main courses and 2 desserts at a cost of £12 per person.  We must make our choices in advance so please complete the form at the end of the return slip indicating your choice from the Menu.
Coffee will be available but is not included in the price and should be ordered and paid for separately.

2.   Club Bank Holiday Weekend,  1-5 June, 2012

The weekend will be based on the town of Brecon for walking in the Brecon Beacon’s National Park.  Please note that this is the Queen’s Jubilee weekend, hence the 4 days/nights rather than the usual three – you might wish to come for only 3 days – your choice!
A provisional programme might be as follows:
Fri, 1 June             Travel to Brecon for 9pm briefing meeting
Sat, 2 June            Option of walks of 6mls or 8+ mls, (depending on those
                             members coming)
                            Evening – Optional organised group meal at various
                             prices/menu to suit all tastes & budgets                                      
Sun& Mon              Option of walks as on Saturday
Tues, 5 June          Walks to be arranged (half or full day according to members
                             wishes)                  Depart for home !
A list of possible accommodation (including camp sites) is now available from the Chairman by e-mail.  If you would like a copy of this, please let me know! 
If you are coming & have already booked your accommodation, please let me know where you will be staying if you have not already done so .

3.   Report on Club Walking Week in Tenerife  (18-25 Feb)

Our party of 11 (a mixture of members and friends) travelled together, by Easyjet and rented cars, to our self-catering apartments at Club Casablanca in Puerto de la Cruz.  Apart from 20 mins light rain on our second walk, the weather was kind to us and dry with a good deal of sunshine ! Our programme was very flexible, offering varied walks each day according to ability, or time to spend exploring the local area. The highlight was unanimously voted to be our trip up Mount Teide where our challenging walk at 6000/7000ft in the crater suited all abilities with an extension for the more adventurous!  Our group meal at the end of the week was deemed to be a success, overlooking the crashing Atlantic waves.   All in all, I think it was felt to be a successful and enjoyable week !!

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 2000 ft
Ian Currie
Gordon Spence

Leaving Hayfield on Kinder Road we will pause at Bowden Bridge where the famous (among walkers ) Kinder Trespass started in 1932. Reaching  Kinder Reservoir we contour on a good path to William Clough.
Now we ascend through a narrowing valley crossing the small stream several times on stepping stones, until we reach the Pennine Way at Ashop Head.
An undulating path follows the plateau edge for about 3 miles through spectacular millstone tors, crossing Kinder Downfall and providing panoramic views ( on the recce anyway! ).
We then descend via Edale Rocks to follow a lower level ridge over South Head and Mount Famine before dropping down to the Sett valley and Hayfield.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10½ miles
Ascent: 1500 ft
Trevor Ludlow
John Hughes

This walk covers a variety of landscapes, all with good paths, where the 1500 feet ascent is very gradual (honestly!), and all before lunch. 
We begin in Hayfield heading south west on the Pennine Bridle Way before turning east up Coldwell Clough. 
A gradual ascent brings us to open moorland where we turn north, passing Kinderlow End and the rocky outcrops of the Three Knolls.
This walk section ends with a short scramble up red brook to the Kinder Scarp (please discuss this with your walk leader if you have doubts).
We then head north to Kinder Downfall, on the Pennine Way.
A short walk up-stream to Kinder Gates is our stop for lunch, on the sand bars!!! 
Retracing our steps back to the waterfall we continue to complete the scarp walk, with its views. 
Our return to Hayfield, follows the mass tresapass in reverse, deep within William Clough (path and stream intermingling) and then by the side of Kinder reservoir and the Kinder River.

‘B/C’ Walk
Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 800 ft
David Willis
Linda Trollope

This hybrid C/B walk has a good mix of pleasant scenery combined with many features which should appeal to those with an interest in things historical or architectural.
Much of the walk is on the flat and the climbs are well within the scope of all club members.
And there are few stiles! We must be ready to be dropped off at New Mills where we take a short stroll through Riverside Park then face our short but steepest climb to the Heritage Centre. 
The staff here will be opening for the necessary facilities, with the hope that we will purchase the odd beverage or two.  We then descend via the innovative Torrs Millennium walkway beside the old Torr Vale Mill . 
After ascending we make our way to the Peak Forest canal towpath overlooking Goytside river meadows; then over the Goyt and back across fields to return to the banks of the Goyt (Watch out for architectural gems and llamas en route.) until we reach its confluence with the River Sett.
Here we meet Archie, the Archimedes Screw and other interesting objects.
From here its along the Sett Valley trail, a wooded track on a disused railway line, with a minor detour through a bluebell wood, to our destination of Hayfield.