Sunday 17th June 2012 - Glenridding

On Sunday, 17 June, our walks are based at Glenridding in the Lake District.
The coach will leave as usual from school at 8am prompt and travel direct to Ullswater via Penrith, without a stop en route. There are toilet facilities at the start of all walks. 

The ‘B’/‘B+’  walkers will be leaving the coach en route so should take with them on the coach,  rucsacs & boots & be ready to leave at their departure point.   

The other walks depart from Glenridding and all walks end there.

NB.  ‘C’ Walkers will be taking the ferry to Howtown and should bring £5.90 for the ferry !

The coach will depart at 5.00pm and (traffic permitting) will arrive back in Formby at 7/7.30pm.

The cost of travel will be £10.00 for adults, £13.00 for guests (see below) and £5.00 for Leaders, children and students in full time education.  

Returns should go as usual to the Chairman by Thursday, 7 June .     
NB.  Thereafter the Chairman will be away on holiday and any returns to her will be disregarded!!    Please get your returns in on time !!

If you need to cancel or make a late booking after 7 June , please contact the Vice Chairman on 01704 871110 who will endeavour to substitute your booking from any waiting list. If this is not possible, then regrettably no refunds will be given as coaches will have been booked on initial returns.


1.   Club Annual General Meeting  -  Monday, 10 September 2012

       The meeting will be at 7.30pm at Range High School on the above date.  Please make a note in your diary and attend if you possibly can !

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 9.75 miles
Ascent: 3200 ft
Andy &
Jane Fowler

This is a tough walk with half the day spent climbing – be warned.
We start heading south from the car park along the road to Grisedale Bridge where we head south west towards Thornhow End.
We continue climbing to Birks and along St Sunday Crag, on to Deepdale Hause and Fairfield.
A steep descent takes us to Hause Gap and then along the south edge of Grisedale Tarn until we pick up the path along Grisedale Beck back to Grisedale bridge.
If the weather allows, great panoramic views over Lakeland will be available.



‘B/B+’ Walk
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 1800 ft
David Poole
David Wake

Starting from the National Trust car park for Aira Force, we follow the beck northwards past the spectacular falls to the hamlet of Dockray.
Turning south-west a gentle ascent takes us over Watermillock Common before heading west to Glencoyne Head.
The route then contours around the valley head before descending into Glenridding and returns through the old Lead mining area back to the coach.
Whilst this walk includes a fairly long ascent, the gradient is not steep and the effort is well rewarded with good Lakeland views.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 500 ft
Steve Wright
A N Other

Starting from Glenridding pier we take the steamer to Howtown pier where the walk begins.
The path follows the shore line of Ullswater and is undulating with rocky sections that will be taken slowly.
Eventually we reach Patterdale and then return along a footpath back into Glenridding.
Please note: The Steamer fare is £5-90. This will be collected when the coach arrives in Glenridding.
Please try to have the correct change.