Sunday 15th July 2012 - Trefriw, North Wales

On Sunday, 15 July, our walks are based at Trefriw, near Bettws-y-Coed in N. Wales
The coach will leave as usual from school at 8am prompt and travel direct to Trefriw where there are toilet facilities and from where all walks will begin and end.

The coach will depart at 5.30pm (subject to change to 5pm) and (traffic permitting) will arrive back in Formby at 7.30/8.00pm.

The cost of travel will be £10.00 for adults, £13.00 for guests (see below) and £5.00 for Leaders, children and students in full time education. 

If you need to cancel or make a late booking after 7 June , please contact the Vice Chairman on 01704 871110 who will endeavour to substitute your booking from any waiting list. If this is not possible, then regrettably no refunds will be given as coaches will have been booked on initial returns.


1.   Club Annual General Meeting  -  Monday, 10 September 2012

       The meeting will be at 7.30pm at Range High School on the above date.  Please make a note in your diary and attend if you possibly can !

2. Our group of 11 walkers spent the Jubilee weekend walking in the Brecon Beacons. There were 3 days of walking in weather conditions similar to those in Formby.  Some of the group climbed one of the Beacons, Fan y Brig at 719m above sea level !  Low cloud prevented the possible spectacular views though the sun did make a brief appearance.  The rest of the group enjoyed some very pleasant walks at a lower level.  Our Saturday evening group meal at a local restaurant was voted to be a great success with delicious food !


‘A’ Walk
Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 3400 ft
John Hughes
Lynn Smith

We begin our walk out of Trefriw along a pleasant country lane, then we start our climb towards of Creigiau Gleision (2224 ft).
From here, we have spectacular views of Llyn Colwyd Reservoir.
Our walk takes us along the ridge to Craig Wen, from where we begin a descent towards Llyn Crafnant.
At this point, there are beautiful views of the lake and surrounding forest.
For the final part of our walk, we take a pleasant detour through a pine forest and head to Llyn Geirionydd, then on to the Crafnant valley, passing historic mineworks along the way.
As we return to Trefriw, we can stop to view Fairy falls.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 1500 ft
Joe Pearson
Trevor Ludlow

This walk is mainly along forest roads and trails.
Starting at Trefriw we ascend past the mill and waterfall up to Llyn Gerionydd (the majority of the climb is now over).
We then traverse the west bank of the lake (coffee stop with views across the lake) before heading south to reach Llyn Bychan.
A forest track takes us further south to Glyn farm, before turning east on paths to a minor road and then on to the viewpoint over the Betws-Coed valley.
We stop for lunch here.
After lunch we continue to follow the road for a mile to pick up a narrow path north through the forest (long trousers will come in handy).
Then returning to Trefriw via Llanrhychwyn.

‘B/C’ Walk
Distance: 6-8 miles
Ascent: 1400 ft
David Willis
Linda Trollope

This is a pleasant and varied walk with good views and will be taken at C pace to accomodate all.  
From Trefriw our walk commences with an inevitable but short, steepish climb, through a bluebell wood, which will be taken at a relaxed pace. 
We continue along the contour line with intermittent views of the valley below. Having catered for the B Walkers we drop down to Lake Geirionyddd and a monument to the C6 bard, Taliesin.
We follow the waterline to the opposite end , with optional toilet facilities.
Then we enter an atmospheric  conifer forest, complete with voluble cuckoo!
From which we emerge to make our second ascent which is more gentle and gradual, with a very dramatic backcloth behind us.
At Llanrhywyn ,we will visit the oldest church in Wales,C11 St. Rhywyns's, still in use and still lit by candlelight.
We travel back by track and  quiet country road to avoid unnecessary, slippery paths.
There might be a possibility of a flattish extension  for anyone who wish to prolong what is a relatively short walk. 
This will be decided on the day.