Sunday 29th April 2012 - Hollingworth Lake

On Sunday, 22 April, our walks are based at Hollingworth Lake Country Park in the South Pennines.
The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt. There will be a toilet stop at Birch Services on the M62 as the Visitor Centre at Hollingworth does not open until 10:30am. All walks start and finish near the Visitor Centre which will be open on completion of our walks for refreshments and toilets as will the pub just 2 minutes walk away!
We aim to leave for the return journey at 5.00pm and weather and traffic permitting, we hope to be back in Formby at approx 7.00pm.
The cost of travel will be £10.00 for adults, £13.00 for guests and £5.00 for Leaders, children and students in full time education.  

Returns must go to the Chairman by Thursday, 12 April. Please get your returns in on time!!

If you need to cancel or make a late booking, please contact the Chairman on 01704 876971 who will endeavour to substitute your booking from any waiting list.
If this is not possible, then regrettably no refunds will be given as coaches will have been booked on initial returns.
Please ensure that your cheques are signed prior to being sent in – it is inconvenient for the Treasurer to chase up such omissions.

1.   Club Bank Holiday Weekend, 1-5 June, 2012

The weekend will be based on the town of Brecon for walking in the Brecon Beacon’s National Park.  Please note that this is the Queen’s Jubilee weekend, hence the 4 days/nights rather than the usual three – you might wish to come for only 3 days – your choice!
A provisional programme might be as follows:
Fri, 1 June         Travel to Brecon for 9pm briefing meeting
Sat, 2 June        Option of walks of 6mls or 8+ miles, (depending on those members coming)
                                      Evening – Optional organised group meal at various prices/menu to suit all tastes & budgets                                     
Sun & Mon         Option of walks as on Saturday
                                      Walks to be arranged (half or full day according to members wishes)                 
Tues, 5 June      Depart for home!

A list of possible accommodation (including camp sites) is now available from the Chairman by e-mail.  If you would like a copy of this, please let me know! 
If you are coming & have already booked your accommodation, please let me know where you will be staying  (if you have not already done so).

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 2250 ft
John/Edwina Roberts
Margaret Pegg

Starting from Hollingworth Lake we walk south east along the Rochdale way and go under the M62 motorway.
Walking past five reservoirs we emerge at The Rams Head Inn at Upper Denshaw.
A further reservoir is bagged as we head east to Haigh Gutter where we join the Pennine Way.
We then head north to Blackstone Edge before descending via the Roman road into Littleborough.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 2200 ft
Jane Fowler
Andy Fowler

We start heading north east across pasture to the small wood south of Whittaker and progress eastwards to the edge of Clegg Moor before turning north and heading towards Lydgate.
Here we start our steady climb on the Roman Road to the Aiggin Stone (a medieval location stone) before turning south and continuing our climb to Robin Hoods Bed on the Blackstone Edge where there are great views in all directions (weather permitting of course).
We now start descending along the Pennine Way, crossing the M62 on a high level bridge at Lads Grave.
Continuing west past Windy Hill we pick up the Rochdale way to Dick Hill.
We go under the M62 this time, skirt around the rugby club fields, and then along village roads back to the car park.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8.8 miles
Ascent:1350 ft
David Wake
Alan Thomas

Starting near the visitor centre we head south alongside the lake then east onto an old track gently climbing up to the moor and Hollins Hill where we cross over the M62.
Dropping into a valley we continue by climbing steadily to the south-west then east on the Rochdale Way (RW).
This takes us down to and then westwards along the access road past five reservoirs.
We leave the RW to cross the Ogden Reservoir dam and continue north up through fields to a track that leads to Tunshill Farm and the bridge across the M62.
From here a variety of fields, paths and tracks lead us to the southern edge of Hollingworth Lake where the lake edge path takes us back to the visitor centre.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7 miles
Ascent:700 ft
Jean Makeating
Steve Wright

We set off through Cleggs Wood passing the visitor centre before turning south east to follow a track to Sykes farm.
We then continue eastwards climbing gradually to join the Pennine bridleway until we reach a disused quarry where we turn west along a track to the A58.
We follow the road for a short distance (care will be needed!) before taking tracks and footpaths to the Rochdale Canal. We join the canal which we follow to the aptly named canal street in Littleborough.
From here we have a possible choice of route depending on conditions under foot.
Whichever way we go, we soon return to Hollingworth Lake with its visitor centre where teas and coffee are available.