Sunday 2th September 2010 - Langley, Macclesfield

On Sunday, 26 September, our walks are based at Langley, around Macclesfield Forest.

The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt and will go direct to Langley where all walks start and finish. Toilets will be available at the St Dunstan Inn which will also be the venue for refreshments at the end of your walk.
We aim to leave for the return journey at 5.00pm and weather and traffic permitting, we hope to be back in Formby at approx 7.00pm.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 2300 ft
Lynn Smith
John Hughes

This route is gently undulating and the maximum altitude is only 1300ft.
The varied walk includes two sections of the Gritstone Trail – one walking south and later the other walking north.
The first section begins at Langley with the ‘B+’ party, following an arc until it meets Hollins Lane at Lowerhouse.
Then, leaving the Gritstone Trail, the route continues south on good paths through fields, via Pethills and across the A54. 
After Butterlands and Nabbs Hill there is a drop into Greasley Hollow where Shell Brook is hidden in a pretty glen.
Turning for home at Hawkslee, the Gritstone Trail is joined again to follow the broad ridge along Wincle Minn and the mast at Sutton Common, enjoying vistas across the Cheshire Plain, and eventually back to Langley.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 1900 ft
Trevor Ludlow
Gordon Spence

Starting in Langley, we follow the Gritstone Trail south, through pleasant valley fields, before taking a gradual ascent to open moorland. 
After a coffee break, we follow Oaken Clough valley and then contour around Piggford Moor and finally a gentle descent to Wildboarclough. 
Here we pause to prepare for the main climb of the day, taken steadily, to the summit of Shutlingsloe (trig point  506mtrs). 
Lunch at the top, hopefully with panoramic views all around.
The afternoon walk continues with moorland and woodland paths through Macclesfield Forest. 
We emerge from the woodland pretty much on the contour line for Teggs Nose – good planning! – so not too strenuous a last leg to the top of Teggs Nose and then the final descent to Langley for refreshments.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8½ miles
Ascent: 1500 ft
Jo Pearson
David Wills

An attractive circular walk with plenty of variety and no really difficult stretches, although quite a few stiles and gates.
Most of the ascent comes within the first hour as we leave Langley, skirting the edge of Tegg’s Nose to Clough House Farm and make our way into the Macclesfield Forest. 
Trails take us through the forest (where we aim to lunch at the Ranger’s Base) alongside Trentabank and Ridgegate Reservoirs, before picking up the Gritstone Trail, heading south towards Lowerhouse. 
We loop back across the fields to St Dunstan Inn at Langley.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 6½ miles.
Ascent: 300 ft
Linda Trollope

Stuart Norris

A relatively untaxing but varied beginning to this year’s programme.
Starting at Langley, we pass 17th century Langley Hall and turn through fields, cross the Infant River Bollin, and begin our only real climb of the day up and along the shoulder of Birch Knoll :  not too steep and taken at a reasonable pace. 
From here we have pleasant views, weather permitting. 
We descend to pick up the Macclesfield Canal towpath. 
Eventually we break from the canal and pass through the newly formed Nature Conservation Area of Dane’s Moss, following the remains of an old railway, once used to carry peat. 
Bending back, we spend a short time on a country road then cut across to pretty Sutton Reservoir, having crossed the busy and fast London Road with great care.
From here, by field and pavement, we make our way back to Langley for refreshment.