Sunday 15th May 2011 - Cartmel, Lake District

On Sunday, 15th May, our walks are based at Cartmel in the Lake District.

The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt. 

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 13.5 miles
Ascent: 2000 ft
Ken Bryning
Bob Scurr

A superb, challenging ‘round’ of the peninsula, this walk provides great views, woodland walks, quiet lanes and tarns.
Leaving Cartmel via the racecourse we initially head south-west then north on the Cistercian Way, before picking up the Cumbria Coastal Way which we follow (with stunning coastal views) to the beautiful Bigland Tarn (remember an apple for the horses!).
We now turn eastwards, following paths and green lanes to the settlement of Seatle, where we turn southwards to Field Broughton with its lovely church.
Our final ‘pull’ of the day is up to Hampsfell above Cartmel , at the summit of which we can avail ourselves of the ‘panoptikon’ to help us identify the great views we have seen all day (weather permitting!!).
A gentle descent via the Cistercian Way again brings us back into Cartmel for refreshments.
This is a demanding walk, covering a lot of ground with plenty of ups and downs – be warned!



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10.5 miles
Ascent: 1500 ft
Dave Purdy
Glennis Poole

Following in the footsteps of the “A” party ( but at a more gentle pace! ) we head north from Cartmel towards Bigland Tarn, mostly on the Cumbria Coastal Way, but diverting from it for a mile and a half onto a lovely parallel grassy path between How Barrow, Scroggs Wood and Ellerside.
This section of the route offers brilliant views westwards over Greenodd Sands and the River Leven estuary.
From Bigland Tarn the walk then turns southeast and eventually south passing through Seatle Plantation, High Cark Hall, Beckside and Hill before a short road section of the Cistercian Way to arrive back on Cartmel Racecourse.
No major climbs, just a beautiful and varied walk!

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 1200 ft
Ray Webb
Janet Purdy.

Please put boots on at the motorway stop at Burton Services as we are getting off the coach at Grange -over - Sands railway station.
Toilets are available at Grange.
The walk begins with a long but fairly gradual climb to the Hospice on Hampsfield Fell with impressive views over the estuary.
We then walk northwards through Longlands Allotment with extensive views of the Lakeland Fells.
The walk continues through woodland and fields to Broughton Lodge Farm, the picturesque Broughton Hall, Over Ridge and onto the Cumbrian Coastal Way and Cistercian Way before returning to Cartmel.
A varied walk with impressive views and an interesting range of stone stiles!

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7 miles.
Ascent: 920 ft
Barry Whitby

Peter Houghton

From the coach we pass the priory to reach the CISTERCIAN WAY and the start of the long steady climb up HAMPSFELL to the hospice.
Built in 1846 as a refuge for weary travellers it is an excellent viewpoint.
We now continue northwards along the ridge, where a deer was spotted during the pioneer, to reach our lunch stop.
A less energetic afternoon follows as we explore the farmland, quiet country lanes and woodlands on our route through GREEN BANK, BECK SIDE and BURNS FARM back to CARTMEL.
This “C” walk has more climbing than normal but with plenty of time available the pace will be slow with frequent stops.