Sunday 27th March 2011 - Grasmere, Lake District

On Sunday, 27 March, our walks are based at Grasmere in the Lake District.

The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt.  There will be no toilet stop before Grasmere on the outward journey which will take approximately 2hrs 30mins.  All walks begin and end at Grasmere where there are toilet facilities and plenty of opportunity for refreshment.
We plan to leave at 5pm and be back in Formby at about 7.30pm.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 2600 ft
Lynn Smith
Gordon Spence

This walk explores the splendid fells surrounding Far Easedale .
Leaving the coach park we can use the toilets in the centre of Grasmere on route to Easedale Road.
We soon reach a good path for a steep ascent of Helm Crag where we will have coffee with The Lion and The Lamb.
Heading north west the undulating ridge walk of more than 2 miles is full of interest and offers excellent views of the central Lake District fells, culminating at the craggy summit of Calf Crag.
Descending to the saddle of Far Easedale we go “off piste” on an intermittent path, for an additional mile of crags and rock pools , to Tarn Crag, which offers a bird’s eye-view of Grasmere and the fells to the east.
A short steep descent, needing care, leads to a good track back to town.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 2400 ft
David Wills
John Hughes

Four Wainwright summits are available on this walk.
But 'no gain without pain' because the walk begins with a long ascent up to Stone Arthur and continuing up to the ridge, where Great Rigg is an optional loop (1/3 mile and 200ft of ascent).
Having done almost all the climbing early in the day, the reward is an extensive high level walk to Heron Pike and Nab Scar.
After descending to Rydal, the return to Grasmere is a gentle stroll beside Rydal Water, leading onto the renowned Loughrigg terrace and finally around the south side of Grasmere lake.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 1300 ft
Trevor Ludlow
Linda Trollope

We are rarely far from water on this walk.
The height gained is cumulative and not too strenuous.
After passing Wordsworth’s Cottage, we scramble up White Moss Common for less usual views across Grasmere and Rydal Water (weather permitting).
Thence along the Coffin Way to Rydal, with a chance to glimpse Rydal Hall and, if desired, use the cafe before we climb through woodland beside the splendid flight of cascading falls to reach an old stone bridge across them.
If time and the elements allow it, the more energetic amongst us may like to continue and view the higher reaches of Rydal Falls from further up, in open moorland, returning to the bridge where we all cross and descend via a sturdy farm track.
From Rydal we cross into more open country around the head of Rydal Water, climbing to Loughrigg Terrace for a more well- known aspect.
Even through the mizzle on our recce the scenery was enchanting. We continue above Grasmere until we pick up the minor road which descends, passing the Garden Centre, into Grasmere Village.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 6½ miles.
Ascent: 450 ft
Stuart Norris

Matt Hawkeworth

Starting from the centre of Grasmere we head out north across fields to Michael’s Fold.
From here we head head south via path back towards Dove Cottage and Wood Close, this is the main climb of the day and will be taken at an easy pace.
We follow this path all the way down to Rydal Hall and weather permitting we should have great views over both Grasmere and Rydal Water.
From Rydal Hall we cross over River Rothay and follow the south shore of Rydal Water, from here we have a small climb up to Loughrigg Terrace, which again offers splendid views of Grasmere.
From the Terrace we follow the west side of Grasmere via Path and minor road all the way back into Grasmere.