Sunday 18th October 2009 - Dent

On Sunday, 18 October our walks are based on the village of Dent in the Yorkshire Dales.

The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt.   There will be a brief toilet stop at the Burton in Kendal Services on the M6. 
The ‘B+’ walk will leave the coach before we reach Dent so please be prepared with boots, rucsacs etc for a quick descent from the coach!

All walks will end in the village of Dent where there is a choice of refreshments.   We aim to leave by 5.30pm, at the latest, and should be back in Formby between 7.30 and 8.00pm, traffic permitting.
‘A’ Walk
Distance: 13 miles
Ascent: 2150 ft
Ian Currie
John Hughes

This is probably the best way up Yorkshires highest mountain at the head of one of its most lovely dales.
From the quaint cobbled streets of Dent, the route is south west, up past waterfalls to reach Green Lane, known as Occupation Road.
As a former packhorse track it slowly gains height over several miles as it curves left and right offering a variety of views.
The main climb of the day begins soon after reaching the road, up to the summit of Whernside at 2416 ft.
Descent is northwards across moorland, passing Whernside Tarns and down to Boot of the Wold.
Then along the Craven Way and the Dales Way beside the River Dee, back to Dent.




‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 1800 ft
Trevor Ludlow
David Willis

This is a slightly longer walk than usual for the ‘B+’ group but we should still be back to Dent in plenty of time for refreshments. 
The main part of the walk is over Rise Hill, along the ridge above Dent. 
We will be dropped off outside Dent at Barth Bridge (no toilets! – so make sure you use the facilities at the motorway stop and are ready with boots and rucsacs for a quick exit from the coach!)    
From our start point at Barth Bridge we start a steady climb towards Lund. 
Grassy (sometimes muddy!) tracks take us steadily to the summit of Aye Gill Pike. 
From here it’s a steady descent through limestone pavement country and wooded valley to Cowgill on the River Dee. 
The return to Dent uses part of the Dales Way and a minor road.


‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 900 ft
Linda Trollope
Jean Makeating

We leave Dent in a generally southerly direction with a short and relatively gentle climb before turning south east across the fields to Near Helks, Coventree and the hamlet of Slack. 
There are several stiles and spring gates during this section. 
We then turn south and begin our climb for the day across fields to join the Nun House Outrake track.
There is then a steady uphill climb, though not too steep and on a well defined track, to just below Little Coombe Hill.  This will be taken at a gentle pace, probably with a lunch stop on the way! 
Our climbing finishes here (!) as we take the Green Lane track around the side of the hill (with superb views along the whole of the Dent Valley) to reach Keldishaw. 
After a short walk along a minor road, we take the footpath to Coombe House and Tofts before descending via Gawthrop to the riverside path back to Dent


‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7 miles.
Ascent: 300 ft
Craig Baker

Stuart Norris

This STYLISH walk with great views of Dentdale starts in the centre of Dent. We head out east by road, track and field to West Banks & East Banks then on to Coventree and Slack. 
From here, still heading east via a minor road, we join up with the Dales Way at Laithbank Farm.
We then follow the Dales Way through Little Town and on to Rivling where we turn back to Dent along a minor road until we again pick up the Dales Way which follows the River Dee back into Dent.