Sunday 21st March 2010 - Church Stretton

On Sunday, 21 March, 2010, our walks are based at Church Stretton in Shropshire.

The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt and travel direct to Church Stretton where toilets are available. 
All walks will start and end at Church Stretton where there are plenty of opportunities for refreshment at the end of the walks.     
We aim to leave for the return journey at 5.00pm and weather and traffic permitting, we hope to be back in Formby at approx 7pm.

The cost of travel will be £10.00 for adults, £12.00 for guests and £5.00 for Leaders, children and students in full time education.  

NB:   Back to normal for your returns    ie. either to school or to the Chairman.
‘A’ Walk
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 2150 ft
Ken Bryning
Mike Williams

The walk will start at the coach park in Church Stretton and proceed NW up Carding Mill valley towards the Long Mynd ridge.
This is an area of outstanding natural beauty in Shropshire, noted for it’s long heather clad ridge and deep cut valleys towards the east. 
On joining the ridge path, the walk will be SW over Pole Bank (516m) the highest point and on past the gliding club. 
Whilst that may be the quick way back (!) the descent will actually be via steep woodland to Minton and then by low level paths through Little Stretton to our coach and some refreshment.


‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 1800 ft
Dave Purdy
David Poole

From the centre of Church Stretton we ascend gradually north west via the golf course with views down into Cwmdale and Long Batch, eventually reaching The Portway via the slopes of Bodbury Hill and Haddon Hill. 
Turning SW, an easy walk on the Portway brings us to Pole Bank then Pole Cottage from where a delightful descent takes us down into Little Stretton. 
From there we return to Church Stretton NOT by the minor road and tarmac, but by a parallel undulating path, the ‘Cunnery Road’  (also known as a sting in the tail!!).

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 7.5 miles
Ascent: 1300 ft
Barry Whitby
Peter Houghton

From the coach we head over to the picturesque Carding Mill Valley owned by the Natural Trust. 
Care will be necessary and plenty of time has been allowed for the next part of the walk which involves climbing out of the valley, initially following a stream, onto the Long Mynd Ridge. 
With most of the day’s climbing now completed, we head across open moorland to Plush Hill and some fine views to the north and east. 
From here we descend down the Batch Valley which we the follow almost into All Stretton. 
The final phase of the walk is across fields, through woodland and finally along roads back to Church Stretton.


‘C’ Walk
Distance: 6.5 miles.
Ascent: 500 ft
Janet Purdy

Glennis Poole

This could be described as a walk of two halves!!  
The first part of the walk explores Carding Mill Valley and the rather ‘shabby chic’ old part of Church Stretton, while the second half ventures into the wild beauty around Caer Cadoc. 
It is impossible to avoid some ascent in this area but all climbs are gradual and will be taken slowly.  
Leaving the coach we walk through the quaint little town of Church Stretton and continue gently climbing up to Carding Mill Valley where we will call in at the Natural Trust Visitor Centre for coffee and information. 
We then walk down the valley on the other side of the stream and take a level path to All Stretton through woodland and fields. 
At All Stretton a visit to the Yew Tree pub may be on the agenda if the group so wishes. 
We then cross the railway and A49 road and walk up through woods and fields of sheep and lambs, gradually gaining height with views of Three Finger Rock and over to the Long Mynd. 
The path skirts the lower slopes of Caer Cadoc and we get the feeling of remoteness and splendour of the scenery before dropping down into the valley and back to Church Stretton.