Sunday 28th February 2010 - Ambleside

On Sunday, 28 February, 2010, our walks are based at Ambleside in the Lake District.
The Walks will be followed by a Hot Pot Supper.

The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt.   There will be a toilet stop on the M6.  The ‘B+’ and ‘B’ Walkers should ensure that during this stop, they don boots and retrieve rucsacs from the coach boot as they will be leaving the coach en route to Ambleside  where all walks will finish !!
We plan to leave Ambleside at 4.30pm and travel to the Eagle & Child Inn at Staveley where our Hot Pot Supper will await us at approx 5pm.
Weather and traffic permitting, we hope to be back in Formby at approx 8.30 to 9pm

The cost of travel will be £10.00 for adults, £12.00 for guests and £5.00 for Leaders, children and students in full time education.  

NB:   Having set up new arrangements for your Return letters,  I shall be away on holiday, so please could you , as before,  send your returns either to School or to Alan Thomas at 11 Altcar Road.  


‘A’ Walk
Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 2600 ft
John Hughes
Gordon Spence

An undulating  (there is more total ascent than the sum of the two fell heights !)  low level circular walk from Ambleside.
We amble through town  and  Rothay Park before  starting to climb , via Miller Brow to Loughrigg Fell(1100 ft), with its splendid views of Rydal Water, Grasmere and surrounding fells.
A steep descent takes us to Red Bank  and the  Dow Bank /Spedding Crag ridge, with close-up views  of the Langdales.Turning north we first descend to the Megs Gill pass but soon climb again to the  summit of Silver How (1300 ft).
After lunch we continue on the plateau top and cross Wray Gill to descend to Grasmere,with all its literary  connections ( we will vist Wordsworth’s grave and pass Dove Cottage).
A short  road walk and we will be at White Moss Tarn ( find out what a tenting pond is !).
From here a good terrace path leads back to Ambleside.

Download the MemoryMap route.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10.5 miles
Ascent: 1800 ft
Emily Ludlow
Trevor Ludlow

This varied linear walk gives you the chance to enter Ambleside via the back door, bypassing Windermere and the Sunday traffic. 
Starting at Ings (be ready, with boots on, to leave the coach) we follow a paved lane to Grassgarth, where we then take well formed tracks across moorland with beautiful views of the Eastern Lakes. 
We stop at a ford for our morning coffee, where the occasional mountain biker may say hello. 
From here we continue to Kentmere Hall on a steady decline past Hall Woods. 
At the head of the valley the main climb of the walk begins as we take a stony track over Garburn Pass, last visited  by the club in 1993. 
Stopping for lunch we hope to have splendid views of the Howgills, Kentmere Valley and Kentmere Tarn. 
After lunch we make our way gradually down to Trout Beck. 
We then gently climb to Low Fold joining the Robin Lane Track. 
This section of the walk provides views down Lake Windermere and to the Western Hills. 
We then finish with a pleasant walk through Skelghyll Wood, via an optional stop at Jenkin Crag and then into Ambleside.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 1100 ft
Linda Trollope
David Willis

Our walk begins in Windermere (be ready, with boots on, to leave the coach).
We start by climbing in bursts, but not too strenuous, to the top of Orrest Head for our first panoramic view of Windermere.
From here we descend across farm land until we reach Near Orrest, where we make our way up via Moor Howe and along past Dobbs Reservoir until we make a descent to cross Trout Beck.
Our last stretch of climbing takes us up to a well-defined track, Robin Lane, which we follow round via Jenkin Crag and Skelghyll.
Again it affords lovely views along Windermere en route.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 6 miles.
Ascent: 600 ft
Craig Baker

Stuart Norris

Starting from the Garden centre we take a path west past Rothay Manor then over Rothay Bridge, from here we head south West on the A593 to Brathay Farm, we then climb up onto Loughrigg Fell, passing Fishgarths Wood, at the top we reach Lily Tarn where if weather permitting there are great views of Ambleside and Lake Windermere (this is the main climb for the day so we will take it slowly).
We then descend past Miller Brow down to a minor road which we follow north past Fox How and follow the River Rothay to Rydal Hall.
We then head back towards Ambleside through Rydal Park to Scandale Bridge, we then take the A591 towards Ambleside, we then take a path through Rothay Park and head back to Rothay Bridge where we retrace our tracks back into Ambleside.