Sunday 19th October 2008 - Castleton

On Sunday 19 October, our walks are based on Castleton in the Peak District. 

The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt and travel to Hayfield, where the ‘B+’ group will begin their walk. We then go on to Hope where the ‘B’ group will leave the coach, and finally to Castleton.
‘B’ and ‘B+’ walkers should have their rucsacs in the coach and change into boots before arrival at Hayfield and Hope to avoid delay. There are toilets at all 3 stopping places and a wide choice of refreshments in Castleton at the end of the walks.   We plan to leave at 5.00pm and should be back in Formby around 7.30pm.   

The cost of travel will be £10.00 for adults, £12.00 for guests and £5.00 for Leaders, children and students in full time education.  Please return the slip, completed in full, with a cheque (NOT CASH), in an envelope marked “Range Walking Club”, to the school office by Thursday 9th October 2008 ,  or if you wish to deliver your return forms personally, out of school hours, please deliver them by the same date to the Treasurer, Alan Thomas, at 11 Altcar Road or Jean Makeating at 60 Burlington Ave


‘A’ Walk
Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 2200'
Bob Scurr
Ken Bryning

Villages, valleys and views

A varied and interesting walk taking in a grand circuit of the Derbyshire countryside. We offer history, geology and a pub halfway!
Starting in Castleton, we head roughly north-east across fields and lanes out of town past Losehill Hall to Townhead Bridge. 
The trail then heads northwards along the course of the Roman road, climbing gently to meet the open moor to an access point at 158879 (OL Dark Peak).
We then turn to head east up and around Crookstone Moor.  After (hopefully!) a scenic lunch at Ringing Roger, we descend to the village of Edale.
In Edale it would clearly be very rude to pass the pub without supporting the local economy, so an opportunity will be afforded to those interested! 
Suitably fortified, our second climb of the day takes us gradually up on to the ridge of Hollins Cross / Mam Tor (where on the recce we encountered 46 paragliders!). 
There only remains the gentle descent back into Castleton where ice creams, teashops, pubs and an excellent Museum await.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 1850 ft
Dave Purdy
Glennis Poole

This is a linear walk from Hayfield to Castleton. 
Those participating should have rucsacs on the coach and change into boots ready for a quick exit from the coach at Hayfield.
Starting from the car park, where toilets are available, the route heads generally SE on the Pennine Bridleway, passing Mount Famine, South Head, Roych Clough to reach the main A625 road.
Turning east, footpaths over Rushup Edge bring us to the minor road beneath Mam Tor, from which there are 2 possible endings:
a)  the first would take us up over Mam Tor, along the ridge path to Hollins Cross before the final descent into Castleton
b)  the second alternative would take us south via Windy Knoll followed by a descent north-east through Cavedale beneath Peveril Castle into Castleton.
The choice of ending can be left to the party on the day.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 1400 ft
Barry Whitby
Peter Houghton

We leave the coach in the village of Hope where toilets are available. 
Please have rucsacs on the coach and change into boots before arrival for a quick exit from the coach.
We leave the village and head in an easterly direction climbing gently on a series of field paths via Hallum Barn to Ryecroft. 
With good views across to the Bamford Edge, the climbing starts in earnest as we make our way via Thornhill Carrs and through the trees of the Winhill Plantation to the top of Win Hill -  an excellent vantage point and the day’s high spot! 
Leaving this rocky outcrop behing, we head across the heather-clad moorland above Hope Brink to opposite Lose Hill.
From here we take the track down through the bracken to the Edale Valley road which we then cross. 
To avoid climbing up and over Lose Hill, we contour around it on the lower slopes via a series of quiet paths and lanes back to Castleton.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 6½ miles.
Ascent: 750 ft
Janet Purdy

Ray Webb

From Castleton we head east through the fields of the Hope Valley to the village of Hope, where we stop for morning coffee. 
Going north from there, we gradually gain height at a slow pace towards Lose Hill via Lose Farm and then proceed along the ridge from which there are extensive views of the surrounding countryside. 
We continue along the ridge beneath Back Tor and on to Hollins Cross. 
From here we descend and follow the path through bracken and fields back into Castleton where there is an abundance of tea shops and pubs.