Sunday 7th June 2009 - Broughton in Furness

On Sunday, 7 June our walks are based on Broughton in Furness

The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt.   There will be a brief toilet stop at Burton Services on the M6.
A, B+ and C’ walkers should take advantage (there are no toilets at their start points) . 
B+ and C’ walkers should also put on boots and be ready to leave the coach at Grizebeck before we reach Broughton.
B’ walkers will leave the coach at Broughton where toilets are available.
‘A’ Walkers should remain on the coach to go on to Whicham for the start of their walk.     
PLEASE NOTE CAREFULLY THE ABOVE INSTRUCTIONS  -  in order not to delay the coach at Broughton before it’s onward journey please could ‘A’ walkers not leave the coach unless it is absolutely essential.

All walks will end at Broughton where there are several refreshment opportunities.
The coach will leave at 5.30pm returning to Formby at approx 7.30/8.00pm.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 2560 ft
Ken Bryning
Bob Scurr

If you stand at Formby Point on a good day, and can see the Lake District, the big whaleback hump to the west is Black Combe (1970ft). 
It is a very recognisable top and one that is often overlooked in deference to the higher peaks of Lakeland. 
It overlooks the Duddon Estuary and Furness peninsular and has commanding views over the whole of Lakeland, the coastal plain and the Isle of Man.
The walk is a linear one which starts at Whicham church about 6 miles past Broughton (so we are last off the coach!) and climbs a grassy bridleway to the summit cairn, described by Wainwright as ‘amongst the most delectable of Lakeland fell paths’.
The route follows the ridge line overlooking Whitcombe Screes to Stoupdale Crags before descending over Swinside Fell to Stoneside Hill to join the fell road. 
Continuing via Fenwick, Thwaite` Yeat and Duddon Bridge back to Broughton. 
The Club last walked a similar route in 1990!

‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10.5 miles
Ascent:1500 ft
David Purdy
Glennis Poole

Starting from Grizebeck, we walk generally north eastwards using footpaths and some short stretches on minor roads via Ashlack Hall, Knittleton, Mawthwaite Moss and Tottlebank to reach Beacon Tarn.  
After retracing our steps southwards for half a mile, we head west from Cockenskell to reach the hamlet of Woodland where the route goes south west to Broughton in Furness by way of Thornthwaite, Thornthwaite Latter Rigg and Wall End.


‘B’ Walk
Distance: 9.25 miles
Ascent: 1100 ft
Peter Houghton
Joan Houghton

This circular walk explores the region to the north east of Broughton in Furness. 
Leaving the village we pass by The Knot, Thornthwaite Latter Rigg and then Latter Rigg up to Ringhouse Farm.  From here we turn south east and on reaching Woodland, pick up a series of quiet lanes and tracks which contour around the lower slopes of Thwaite, Blawith Knot to reach the Giant’s Grave. 
We now head across to Woodland Hall before retracing our route back to the coach. 
The walk consists of several ups and downs but nothing too steep and can be shortened if necessary.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 400 ft
Ray Webb
Janet Purdy

A pleasant stroll with very little climbing and extensive views across Duddon Sands.  
Starting at Grizebeck we take field paths and country lanes to Hallstead Wood, then following the disused railway as far as Kirby in Furness we may be able to take a short detour to the pleasant Inn at Sand Side. 
We then follow the Cumbrian Coastal Way to Skellow Crag End to approach Broughton through Coal Gate and Eccles Riggs.