Sunday 5th July 2009 - Baslow Derbeyshire

On Sunday July 5th we will visit Baslow in the Derbyshire Dales – a new destination for the club where we will have the opportunity to explore some of the spectacular edges and the grounds of Chatsworth Hall, home to the Duke of Devonshire and his family. There are toilets at the start of the B, B+, and C walks so there will be no stop en route. All walks will end at Baslow where there are several refreshment opportunities. The coach will leave Baslow at 5.30pm and should be back in Formby soon after 7.30pm.

Forms to be returned to school or Alan Thomas (Not Jean this month) by 25th June.
‘A’ Walk
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 1600 ft
John & Edwina Roberts
Margaret Pegg

From the A623 we head north through the plague village of Eyam
After walking through the churchyard we pass some cute cuddly Alpaca on the way up Sir William Hill. 
After enjoying the breathtaking views we go down to Stoke Ford and then walk alongside the Highlow Brook past Hazelford Hall to join the Derwent Valley Heritage Trail. 
Padley Chapel, part of a medieval manor, provides the next point of interest with its history of sixteenth century martyrdom. 
Ice creams at Grindleford  station beckon before a gradual climb up to Froggatt Edge, Curbar Edge, Baslow Edge and down to Baslow.

‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10 miles
Ascent:1250 ft
Glennis Poole
David Poole

This is a circular walk starting and finishing in Baslow and taking in some of the lesser-known Derbyshire edges.
The walk starts with a gentle climb to the Wellington Monument and continues over moorland to Birchen Edge, Nelson’s monument and the Three Ships’ rocks. 
A short descent to Robin Hood and the Heathy Lea valley then takes us up to Dobb edge and on into the Chatsworth Estate where we explore the lakes which feed the park’s water features. 
Descending to the house, we hope to have time to explore the stable yard with its gift shop and tea rooms (free admission) before returning to Baslow through the parkland.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 700 ft
John McEvoy
David Wake

A circular walk starting from the car park in Baslow heading south into Chatsworth Park.
We take a well made path through the park past Queen Mary’s Bower, over the One Arch Bridge, on alongside the river Derwent, past the old mill, over another historic Bridge and over the field to the attractive village of Beeley.
Here we turn east along a lane before climbing up through the woodland of Hell Bank Plantation to our high point of the day.
From here we head north west across moorland into the woods above Chatsworth House.
Passing the lakes that feed the fountains and cascade we next come to The Hunting Tower with views over the park.
We descend from here through the woods and across the park to the path back to Baslow.


‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 600 ft
Craig Baker
Stuart Norris

Starting in the centre of Baslow we head out North East via road and path up Baslow Bar.
This is the main climb of the day, up to Eaglestone Flat, from where there are magnificent views of the surrounding country and the Chatsworth Estate.
We pass Wellington’s monument and Eagle Stone as we make our way along Baslow Edge.
We descend via minor road through the village of Curbar and down to the river Derwent (time permitting we could stop at the Bridge Inn to refuel) which we follow south along path and road through Bubnell and back into Baslow.
From here we make our way into Chatsworth Park and walk up to Chatsworth House, where there will be time to visit the shop and tea rooms before returning back to Baslow.