Sunday 28th December 2008 - Burscough

The venue for this year’s Christmas walk is “The Briars Hall Hotel & Restaurant” on the main road from Burscough to Parbold. Meet at 9.15 am for a 9.30 am start. As usual, we will be having a meal after the walk - see details below. Make your own way there and if possible, share a car to save space. Please meet in the car park at 9.15am for a 9.30am start.

Route Directions: From Formby take preferred route to A59 towards Burscough. Turn right before Burscough at the A5209 signposted to Parbold, Standish and the M6, continue over the railway bridge, then past three mini roundabouts. After two signposts on the left indicating LATHOM and a 40 mph sign, pass the road junction on the right and take the next turn right into the driveway of “The Briars Hall Hotel & Restaurant”.

Journey Distance: 12 miles from Tesco, Formby                    Time: Allow at least 30 minutes.

There is a limit of 36 people for the meal, so early booking is recommended.   Members are welcome to bring guests, but not to the exclusion of other members.

The Briars Hall Hotel have said that they will take your lunch order in the morning before we start our walk. There is a wide choice of menu at prices to suit every pocket.

Any queries before the walk to Jean Makeating (01704 876971)  BUT  JEAN GOES AWAY ON HOLIDAY ON 19 DECEMBER SO ANY QUERIES AFTER THAT DATE SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO DAVID WAKE  ( Home Tel: 01704 878439)     David will also respond to any queries on the day or on the way there via his mobile phone (Call him on 07709 564345)

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 5.9 miles
Ascent: negligible
David Wake
The walk starts along the Leeds/Liverpool canal and then along minor country lanes and footpaths before rejoining the canal towpath back to Briars Hall. The terrain is dead flat and conditions underfoot mostly good with only one stile that we will by pass!!!