Sunday 6th April 2008 - Kettlewell

On Sunday 6 April our walks are based on Kettlewell in the Yorkshire Dales. All the walks start and finish at Kettlewell where there are toilets. Conditions underfoot mean walking boots will be essential.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 1800 ft
Ian Currie
Trevor Ludlow

This is the opportunity for the A Walkers to follow some of the B+ walk of two years ago up Buckden Beck and it's waterfalls to the top of Buckden Pike.
Starting in Kettlewell the path takes us north along the side of Wharfedale valley (where we can wave to the B party who take the easier route along the valley floor!).
At Starbottom we cross the river Wharfe (Robin Hood fashion!) as the B party come the other way across the footbridge.
Now we are truly on our own as we take the Dales Way up-river to Buckden. From Buckden we ascend 1500ft up Buckden Beck, alongside it's waterfalls, to the top of Buckden Pike.
Note that there are two interesting short 12ft scrambles and some sections of exposed pathway to cross.
Once at the Trig Point (702mtrs - views all around) we proceed to the Polish Memorial Cross, boggy in places.
We descend to a contour path which takes us to Starbottom track and then to Cam Head. We finish with a descent down Top Mere track to Kettlewell (picture book view of the Wharfe Valley).



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 1700 ft
John Rothwell
John Hughes

The walk begins by following the Dales Way from Kettlewell along the pretty River Wharfe to the little village of Starbottom.
From there a track leads upwards to Cam Head, revealing views, back down the valley, over a typical limestone landscape of fields and walls.
The high level open vistas continue for the remainder of the walk.
After contouring eastwards around the side of the valley for a while, there is a steepish climb onto the flat top of Great Whernsde (2300ft).
The descent makes a beeline down the fell back into Kettlewell.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 1400 ft
Linda Trollope
David Willis

A more robust walk than of late but well worth the effort!
After a short trot across the village, we climb steadily but at a relaxed rate, allowing us to admire the developing views en route.
There follows a stretch of undulating moorland and another shorter haul up until we reach Cam Head.
Here we veer left, along Sandy Gate then up again a short distance and then swing around the head of Cam Gill.
All our climbing now accomplished, we descend to the hamlet of Starbottom, hopefully with time for a swift stop at the country pub - if we have managed a reasonable rate of progress!
Most of the walk is on well defined tracks and paths but there are a few boggy areas to be negotiated.
Throughout there are good views (weather permitting).
From Starbottom our final leg is across the Wharfe and along the pleasant riverside way back to Kettlewell in time for refreshments.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7.5 miles.
Ascent: 500 ft
Craig Baker



We start in the center of Kettlewell (Kettlewell was the location used to represent the village of Knapely in the 2003 film Calendar Girls), heading out east past the church and onto the Dales Way.
We follow the Dales Way for about 3 miles via fields, road and track just above Swineber Scar and Hill Castles Scar which rewards us with views across the valley and the river Wharfe.
From here we head down into Conistone and then follow a minor road by the river Wharfe back into Kettlewell.