Sunday 27th January 2008 - Glossop

On Sunday 27 January we will walk in the Glossop area of the Peak District. All the walks start and finish at Glossop where there are toilets and a full choice of refreshments. Conditions underfoot mean walking boots will be essential.


‘A’ Walk
Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 1660'
Ken Bryning
Bob Scurr

This walk takes in one of the less appealing sections of the Pennine Way and the notorious Bleaklow Head (2060ft) – appropriately named!
Wainwright describes it as ‘an inhospitable wilderness of peat bogs over which progress is very arduous, nobody loves Bleaklow, all who get on it are glad to get off it' –you are warned!
Starting near the railway station in Glossop (SK034941) the route passes old Glossop church and heads in a North East direction along an old quarry road to Cock Head, before meeting the Pennine Way path at Torside Clough.
Some parts of this route have now been paved but enough peat groughs are still available to keep the masochist happy!
The Pennine Way is then followed South East to Bleaklow Head (the high point of the day, but depending upon the weather, perhaps the low point!) Turning now South an old roman road ‘
The Doctors Gate path' is taken when in sight of the Snake Pass road back into Glossop.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 9.75 miles
Ascent: 1700 ft
Dave Purdy
Glennis Poole

Starting from the centre of Glossop we walk out through Manor Park and eventually gain access to the moors east of the town.
The route continues eastwards on open moorland via Yellow Slacks, Dog Rock and Higher Shelf Stones before joining the southbound Pennine Way which is followed as far as Old Woman.
From here the return to Glossop uses the Doctor's gate path.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 9.5 miles
Ascent: 450 ft
Janet Purdy
Ray Webb

Skirting Old Glossop we head north into Longdendale and cross the barrier between the Bottoms and the Valehouse reservoirs before following a dismantled railway track along the northern banks of the Valehouse Reservoir and the Rhodeswood Reservoir.
On completing a circuit of the reservoirs we retrace our steps back to Glossop.
All being well we will pass very close to five reservoirs, with views of a couple of others in the distance.
The walk is thought unlikely to appeal to anybody suffering from aquaphobia.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7 miles.
Ascent: 800 ft
Peter Houghton

Barry Whitby

From the centre of GLOSSOP we head south and soon reach the outskirts of the town from where we climb up WHITELEY NAB.
We then continue without losing height via PLAINSTEADS FARM until we reach KNARRS and some distant views of HAYFIELD.
By turning east we reach the isolated GROUSE INN where we will have time for a brief stop.
Then over farmland we make our way to CHUNAL. By heading east and taking some quiet lanes via GNAT HOLE and BROWNHILL we can avoid much of the suburbs for our return into GLOSSOP.
This is a pleasant walk with varied scenery and no steep climbs.