Sunday 2nd March 2008 - Scorton

On Sunday 2 March our walks are based on Scorton. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt and travel directly to the M6 South Lancaster Services for a toilet stop. The coach then goes to Dolphinholme to drop the ‘A' Party off and then to Scorton where the rest of the walks start. The Hot Pot is scheduled for 5.30 pm at The Priory, Scorton. We should be back in Formby at about 9.00pm. Conditions underfoot mean walking boots will be essential.

The cost of travel will be £8.50 for adults, £10 for guests and £4.00 for leaders and for children and students in full time education who were formerly pupils at Range High School. Please return the slip, completed in full, with a cheque ( NOT CASH ), in an envelope marked “Range Walking Club”, to the school office by Thursday 21 February (after half term) . If you wish to personally deliver your return forms out of school hours please deliver them by the same date to Alan Thomas at 11 Altcar Road or David Wake at 5a Dickinson Close, Formby.

AGM. Monday 3 March 2008 at 7.30 pm at school, see agenda below.

I will be retiring as chairman. Start your lobbying now for a new chairman!



‘A’ Walk
Distance: 11.7 miles
Ascent: 1600 ft
John Roberts
Edwina Roberts

Starting in Dolphinholme we follow the river Wyre to Abbeystead before striking south to the hills that formerly comprised the Duke of Westminster's private parts (ask your leader!).
From Hawthornthwaite we follow the road before climbing up Catshaw Greave to Pig's Face and Greave Clough Head.
The return to Scorton follows the parish boundary over Grizedale Head before dropping to Grizedale Brook and through Holme Wood.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 11½ miles
Ascent: 900 ft
Andy Fowler
Jane Fowler

We leave Scorton in a south easterly direction towards Grizedale and follow the valley floor to morning coffee at Grizedale Bridge.
We continue north over the moors past Harrisend Fell onwards to Yates Farm and then along Waste Lane to meet the Wyre Way.
Turning west we remain on the Wyre Way back to Scorton via the beautiful village of Dolphinholme, the Fisheries and Scorton Lake.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 850 ft
John McEvoy
David Wake

Starting from Scorton we walk up Snowhill Lane before heading up the fell to Nicky Nook (705 ft.), the main ascent of the day.
From here its downhill into and along Grize Dale until we cross over the M6 and West Coast rail line then across fields to reach the River Wyre.
We follow the riverside path through the Millennium Park and around Garstang to meet the Lancaster Canal at its aquaduct over the river.
After heading north along the tow path for about 3 miles we head east across fields under the railway and back into Scorton.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 6 miles.
Ascent: 600 ft
Steve Wright

David Turton

This circular walk is based on Scorton and includes moorland, wooded valleys and open pastureland in Wyresdale.
From Scorton we make a continuous ascent to the trig point on Nicky Nook (at 705 ft. above sea level, the main ascent of the day) from where there should be good views in all directions, weather permitting.
This is followed by a descent into Grize Dale and then a gentle walk to Potters Hill and back to Scorton.