Sunday 27th April 2008 - Keswick

On Sunday 27 April our walks are based on Keswick in the Lake District. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt.  There will be a brief toilet stop at Burton Services on the M6 when ‘A’ , ‘B+’ and ‘C’ walkers should put on boots.   We plan to leave Keswick after the walks at 5.30pm to be back in Formby at about 8.00pm.     Conditions underfoot mean walking boots will be essential.


The cost of travel will be £8.50 for adults, £10 for guests and £4.00 for leaders and for children and students in full time education who were formerly pupils at Range High School. Please return the slip, completed in full, with a cheque (NOT CASH), in an envelope marked “Range Walking Club”, to the school office by Thursday 17 April. If you wish to deliver your return forms personally, out of school hours, please deliver them by the same date to the Treasurer, Alan Thomas, at 11 Altcar Road  or  Jean Makeating, at 60 Burlington Avenue.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 3500 ft
Ken Bryning
Bob Scurr

Starting at Stannah on the A591 at the bottom end of St John’s in the Vale, a steep ascent of Sticks Pass is made to the col.
Turning north, the route is then on an undulating plateau passing over Stybarrow Dodd (2770ft), Watson’s Dodd (2584ft), and Great Dodd (2807ft) to Clough Head (2381ft).
Views of Skiddaw and Blencathra will be prominent all the way (subject to the weather!) and also Thirlmere and beyond to Scafell to the West.
The route descends via Hause Spring and the old coach route to the B5322;  this is followed for a short while to Threlkeld where the old Cockermouth and Penrith railway track is followed into Keswick to be reunited with the coach.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 1700 ft
Dave Purdy
Glennis Poole

We start our walk at Wythburn, at the southern tip of Thirlmere.  
After a short stretch on a minor road we head up in a westerly direction through woodland to Harrop Tarn and on towards the open fells and Blea Tarn. 
Most of the climbing for the day is now done, but be prepared for possible boggy conditions on crossing Watendlath Fell.
A steep descent takes us to Watendlath and the tarn.  From here we intend to take a footpath alongside the beck which runs down towards Ashness Bridge.
A footpath then takes us down to Derwentwater where we have a pleasant walk alongside the shore back into Keswick.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8.5 miles
Ascent: 1200 ft
Peter Houghton
Barry Whitby

From Keswick we head to Briar Rigg to join the Cumbria Way.
From here the main climb of the day begins as we make our way past Ewe How, Birkett Wood and then over Mallen Dodd to reach the top of Latrigg, one of the best view points in the northern lakes. 
From here we gradually descend in an easterly direction, first to Brundholme Wood and then along a disused railway track before heading south to Naddle Bridge. 
A little further on we visit the Castlerigg Stone Circle  (circa 2500BC)  before returning to Keswick over farmlands and through woods, one of which contains a view point that overlooks Derwentwater.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7/8 miles.
Ascent: 700 ft
Janet Purdy

Ray Webb

We leave the coach at St.John’s in the Vale so please have your boots on ready.
There are toilets at the start of the walk.

Walking northwards beside St. John’s beck we will call at Low Bridge End farm where coffee, home-made cakes and scones are available.
Following the beck, with views of Blencathra ahead, we then start a gentle climb around the base of High Rigg, gradually ascending between High Rigg and Low Rigg and passing the Youth Centre and the pretty church.

We then cross fields making our way to High Nest and the Castlerigg Stone Circle, again with extensive views of the northern fells.
From here we walk into Keswick by way of the disused railway line or alternatively via Castlerigg Farm with views of Derwentwater. 
This would add an extra mile to the walk.