Sunday 24th September 2006 - Buxton

Well here we are at the start of a new season of walking. We extend a welcome to our new members and hope you have all had a good summer. On Sunday 24 September we will walk in the Peak District around the attractive town of Buxton . The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt. There are toilets at the start of the walks therefore there will be no toilet stop en route. The ‘B' Walk starts at the Cat and Fiddle Inn before we reach Buxton, please be booted up and ready for a quick disembark. All walks finish in Buxton where there are the usual facilities. We plan to leave Buxton at 5.00 pm to be back in Formby at about 7.00pm. Conditions underfoot mean walking boots will be essential.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 15 miles
Ascent: 1,500 ft
Ian Currie
Gordon Spence

We cross the town through Burbage to the open heather moors and a beautiful walk to the vicinity of The Cat & Fiddle for lunch.
Refreshed we head south to the disused Danebower Quarries and Orchard Farm.
Here turning north we return via Grinlow Tower with its splendid view of Buxton.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 1,200 ft
John Hughes
Trevor Ludlow

This circular route leaves Buxton at Burbridge, crossing over Berry Clough moor to reach the upper part of the beautiful Goyt Valley.
The walk then follows the perimeter of the Erwood and Fernilee reservoirs and eventually ascends out of the valley at Bunsal Cob.
The moor is re-crossed by a disused railway line above Wildmoorstone Brook and the return to Buxton is via Watford Farm.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 500 ft
David Willlis
Linda Trollope

Our walk starts at the highest point above Buxton – the Cat and Fiddle Inn on the Macclesfield – Buxton road.
The pub will open especially for us for coffee and toilets.
We drop gently across moorland towards Errwood Reservoir, detouring slightly to visit the remains of Errwood Hall and its gardens.
We cross the reservoir and follow its eastern bank to Wildmoorstone, which then requires a climb of some 120m (400 ft) over a distance of 1km or so (this is pretty much the only climbing of the day and will be taken gently).
The descent into Buxton crosses the golf course and then through the park to the coaches.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7 miles.
Ascent: 500ft
Stuart Norris

David Turton

From the Buxton coach park we go through the Pavilion Gardens to the Country Park.
We then climb slowly through Grin Plantation to reach Grinlow Farm from where there will be an optional detour to the viewpoint – Solomon's Temple.
We then make our way past Stanley Moor Reservoir to the dismantled railway towards Hurpur Hill.
After dropping down to Tower Temple we walk back to the Pavilion Gardens and the coach.