Sunday 17th June 2007 - Pooley Bridge

On Sunday 17 June our walks are based on Pooley Bridge (and also) in the Lake District. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt. . All walks start and finish in Pooley Bridge where there are the usual facilities. We plan to leave Pooley Bridge at 5.30 pm to be back in Formby at about 8.00pm. Conditions underfoot mean walking boots will be essential.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 2550'
Ken Bryning
Bob Scurr

This is a delightful walk taking in the northern end of the High Street Range, and embracing the beautiful valleys of Martindale and Fusedale, the scenery is superb throughout the walk.
Starting from Pooley Bridge the walk is SE towards The Cockpit, then ascending High Street in a SW direction to Loadpot Hill (671m) and Wether Hill (670m).
Descending to the South of Groove Gill the walk then passes over Brownthwaite Crag (444m) and Steel Knots (432m) before dropping into Howtown.
The walk back is under Bonscale Pike and via Swarthbeck Gill, together with a little road walking and lakeside paths.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10½ miles
Ascent: 1200 ft
Dave Purdy
Glennis Poole

There are no big climbs in this walk but it is nevertheless a very varied and interesting view of Lakeland.
We go southeastwards out of Pooley Bridge on to Askham Fell and then down across the river Hodder to Whale.
There is then a pleasant walk along the river and through the parkland of Lowther castle estate to Askham Bridge.
We may be in need of refreshment in Askham village before walking up to and along a minor road to Celleron.
From there it is a pleasant walk over field paths back to Pooley Bridge via Barton church and the River Eamont.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8½ miles
Ascent: 1300 ft
Janet Purdy
Ray Webb

We leave Pooley Bridge in a southeasterly direction heading towards Askham Fell.
At ‘The Cockpit' (483223), we veer southwesterly along High Street before turning north to ascend Arthur's Pike (461206).
After appreciating the panoramic views across Ullswater to the distant fells, we return to Pooley Bridge via Barton Fell and ‘The Cockpit'.
(Unlike our Hayfield walk earlier this year, there is not even the prospect of a closed pub part way round.)

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7 miles.
Ascent: 700 ft
Peter Houghton

Jane Houghton

From Pooley Bridge we climb gradually heading towards Askham Fell and Moor Divock.
At The Cockpit a low ancient wall of earth and stone we turn and head in southwesterly direction.
We soon start to descend on a good track with cliffs to our left and excellent views of Ullswater to our right.
Below Raven Crag at Swarthbeck Gill we start our return route.
Initially we walk over farmland and then through small farms to Gross Dormant - look for field of alpacas here.
After a short stretch of road walking we reach Waterside House campsite - ice creams available.
To complete the walk we follow the shoreline of the lake back to Pooley Bridge.