Sunday 18th February 2007 - Slaidburn

On Sunday 18 February our walks are based on Slaidburn. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt and travel directly to Slaidburn where there are toilets. We plan to leave Slaidburn at 4.30 pm for The Priory, Scorton and the Hot Pot supper. We should be back in Formby at about 9.00pm. Conditions underfoot mean walking boots will be essential.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 12½ miles
Ascent: 2,000 ft
Ian Currie
Gordon Spence
Ian Currie Gordon Spence

We follow Croasdale Beck out of Slaidburn to join the old Roman Road over Croasdale Fell, a section of the walk described by Wainwright as “ the finest moorland walk in Britain ”.
In rapture we turn south to enter “the green and pleasant” Whittendale, offering excellent views across the Ribble valley.
From Whittendale Farm we turn eastwards and join the B+ walk route, hoping for frozen ground.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 11½ miles
Ascent: 1500 ft
John Hughes
John Rothwell
John Hughes John Rothwell

This is a circular walk from Slaidburn taking in Dunsop Fell. From Slaidburn we head northwest on a minor road.
Then it is off across the fields, down lanes and through woods until we arrive just north of Dunsop Bridge.
We then head north up the valley alongside the river Dunsop.
At Whittendale we turn east and start the climb up Dunsop Fell.
If the weather is fine we can expect good views.
The top of the Fell is very marshy - you have been warned.
The descent brings us onto a minor road and after that it is across fields and through woods right into Slaidburn.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 900 ft
Linda Trollope
David Willis
Linda Trollope David Willis

Starting from Slaidburn, we follow a quiet lane and traverse farmland, climbing gradually until we veer off across moorland, then descend to the River Hodder.
Hopefully, we cross this by a new bridge, now in the offing: if not by an adventurous march over stepping-stones! (We do have an alternative if the river is in spate!)
A short climb brings us to a brief woodland walk and above the bank of a reservoir, which we follow for some distance.
Grand views of the water are afforded with wild fowl for those into ornithology.
We veer off and rise to pass Hammerton Hall, an Elizabethan mansion.
We descend gradually down a farm track, across picturesque Holmehead Bridge, and then wend our way over fields to Slaidburn.
No strenuous climbs or descents and interestingly more downhill than uphill. (In a circular Walk? Editor)


‘C’ Walk
Distance: 6¾ miles.
Ascent: 400ft
Craig Baker

Stuart Norris

Stuart Norris

Starting in Slaidburn this circular walk heads out east and up with most of the climbing achieved in the first mile.
The walk takes us via paths and fields to Pikefield Plantation and by country lane onto Cocklet Hill Wood.
We then head back to Slaidburn by Stocks Reservoir and along the river Hodder.