Sunday 22nd April 2007 - Cannock Chase

On Sunday 22 April our walks are on Cannock Chase in Staffordshire. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt and travel directly to Milford where there are toilets. The ‘B+', ‘B' and ‘C' walks start and finish in Milford where refreshments are available. The ‘A' walk, after the toilet stop in Milford, takes the coach to their start at Moors Gorse. We plan to leave Milford at 5.30 pm to be back in Formby at about 7.30pm. Conditions underfoot mean walking boots will be essential.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 13 miles
Ascent: 1,000 ft
John & Edwina
Margaret Pegg

This walk commemorates that walked in April 20 years ago.
From Moors Gorse (023152) and heading south we take in a “beautiful desert” golf course, a hill fort with views at Castle Ring (015162), Mifling valley and arrive at Fairoak Pools for lunch.
The afternoon features war memorials, German and Commonwealth cemeteries and glacial boulders before arriving in Milford via Brocton Coppice and Oat Hill.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 900 ft
Jane Fowler
Andy Fowler

We climb out of Milford to join the Heart of England Way in a southeasterly direction to reach Freda's Grave, before turning south along the nature trail. 
After morning coffee at Anson's Bank we continue south to reach the Katyn Memorial to the Polish.
Continuing south we pass the Commonwealth cemetery and then turn east to take in the German war cemetery. 
We now turn north and head along the valley for lunch.
After lunch we head to Stepping Stones and onwards to the Shugborough Hall estate, with all its follies. 
From here it's southwest back into Milford.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 900 ft
John McEvoy
David Wake

We leave the coach park in a southerly direction on the “Heart of England Way” passing a glacial boulder and a viewpoint without a view until the Way turns east to the Katyn Memorial.
Our route then continues south to the German War Cemetery where we turn northeast to rejoin the “Heart of England Way”.
At Rifle Range Corner we head north and then northwest along Pepper Slade until we reach Sherbrook Valley.
This takes us north alongside the stream until we briefly rejoin our outward-bound route, to avoid a hill, before taking an alternative path back to the coach park.
No stiles, no steep hills and almost the entire route is on firm paths and tarmac.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7 miles.
Ascent: 350 ft
Steve Wright

David Poole

This month's walk starts off along forest paths and tracks from the coach park at Milford to the entrance of Shugborough Hall estate.
We then take the Staffordshire Way through the park to join the Trent and Mersey canal. After a pleasant walk along the towpath, we leave the canal for a short road walk before entering the woodland of Cannock Chase. Here we may be lucky enough to see some Deer.
The woodland paths and tracks eventually lead us back to our starting point.