Sunday 26th September 2005 - Kettlewell

Well here we are at the start of a new season of walking. We extend a welcome to our new members and hope you have all had a good summer. On Sunday 25 September we will walk in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales around Kettlewell in Wharfedale. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt. There are toilets at the start of the walks therefore there will be no toilet stop en route. All walks finish in Kettlewell where there are basic facilities. We plan to leave Kettlewell at 5.00 pm to be back in Formby at about 1930 hrs. Conditions underfoot mean walking boots will be essential.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 2,000 ft
Merion Williams
Gordon Spence

Starting at Conistone Bridge , we climb up the Conistone Turf Road to Capplestone Gate, then head north along the edge of the limestone outcrop to the disused Providence Lead Mine.
Here we cross a steep sided valley to reach the path to Great Whernside (704m).
The route down to Kettlewell forms a large semicircle via Black Dike, Cam Head and Cam Pasture.




‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 1,600 ft
John Hughes
Trevor Ludlow

From Kettlewell our path follows the valley side overlooking the River Wharfe and the Dalesway below.
At Starbotton we leave the river valley, climbing steeply at first and then on a gentler gradient up[ to the source of Buckden Beck.
A second steady climb takes us to the high point of the day, Buckden Pike, with views all around (weather permitting).
We then turn south to Memorial Cross after which we begin the gradual descent to Tor Mere Top and Cam Head.
As we start our final descent, we are rewarded with a splendid picture postcard view of Wharfedale.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8½ miles
Ascent: 600 ft
David Willlis
Linda Trollope

A delightful easier than usual B Walk encountering contrasting scenery.
We begin in the bustling village of Grassington and soon are crossing a wild flow meadow beside the chortling River Wharfe.
We continue along its banks and then ascent through Grass Wood, an attractive limestone based woodland.
Our ascent is steady but not too strenuous.
Near the top there is an opportunity for those who wish to scramble up to see Fort Gregory, the ruins of an ancient Brigantian defence and to tune into the ancestors!
Our way then descends through less dense woodland and grassland until we are crossing open moorland past the remains of ancient settlements.
Then, following the Dales Way we begin another slow but steady ascent which rewards us with the views down the valley.
The going is good and we continue until we make an easy descent to near valley level on the approach to Kettlewell.
This last mile through farmland provides us with most of the (reasonable) stiles we encounter, but the faint-hearted could choose to opt out by following a minor road, if they wish.
We finish in Kettlewell, an attractive village with plenty to see.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 6 miles.
Ascent: 1,000ft
Stuart Norris

David Turton

This circular walk is based on Kettlewell and, weather permitting, there are good views of Upper Wharfedale and the surrounding hills.
We make our ascent from Kettlewell to Cam Head by a bridleway which is steep and will be taken slowly.
We then descend to Starbotton where there is an opportunity for refreshments before following the Wharfe back to Kettlewell along the Dales Way.