Sunday 21st May 2006 - Coniston

On Sunday 21 May our walks are in the Coniston area of the Lake District. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt. There will be a toilet stop at Burton Services on the M6 at where the A, B+ parties need to get their boots on. We plan to leave Coniston at 5.00 pm to be back in Formby at about 7.30 pm. All walks finish in Coniston where there are facilities to suit all tastes. Conditions underfoot, plenty of mud, mean walking boots will be essential.

Please return Booking form by Thurday 11th May.
‘A’ Walk
Distance:12 miles
Ascent: 3,500 ft
Ken Bryning
Bob Scur

Starting at Parkgate SD298963 (just beyond Torver) the route heads over the Walna Scar road to ascend Coniston Old Man (2633ft) via the old quarry road and Low Water.
Leaving the day-trippers and boy scouts behind! The route descends Goats Hause before climbing to Dow Crag (2555ft) and then follows a ridge path taking in Buck Pike (2441ft), Brown Pike (2237ft), Walna Scar (2035ft), White Maiden (1995ft) and White Pike (1662ft). Returning to Coniston village via Ash Gill Beck and the Walna Scar road.

‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 7½ or 8 ½ miles
Ascent: 2,900 or 3,300 ft
Genys Poole
Dave Purdy

From Torver we ascend to the Walner Scar Road and on up to Goats Water. 
We then climb to Levers Hawse and the Coniston Old Man ridge. 
After travelling north to Swirl How and then down Prison Band we reach Swirl Hawse. 
Our options then are either to return to Coniston via Copper Mines valley or to include an ascent of Weatherlam before descending to Coniston.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8½ miles
Ascent: 1,500ft
Janet Purdy
A N Other

This sheltered walk starts at Coniston and climbs steadily through woodland to the picturesque Tarn Hows with views of Yewdale Fells.
We then skirt Tarn Hows on the eastern side to rejoin the Cumbria Way that leads to Oxen Fell High Cross.
The route continues through pleasant fields and woodland round Hodge Close quarry, eventually following a quiet road to Shepherd's Bridge.
At Low Yewdale we take the path to Boon Crag Farm and return to Coniston via Guards Wood with views over the lake.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 8 miles.
Ascent: 850ft
Barry Whitby

Peter Houghton

Leaving the coach we walk through Coniston village to join the Cumbria Way as it climbs through Back Guards Plantation and the pastures of Yewdale to reach High Yewdale.
We now visit Yew Tree Tarn as we make our way across to Glen Mary Bridge.
From here a steady climb takes us through some delightful oak woodland and passed a crag-enfolded waterfall in Toms Gill to Tarn Hows.
Having completed a circuit of this lovely tarn we will stop for ice cream and then head back to Coniston via Tarn Hows Wood, Boon Crag Farm and the northern tip of Coniston Water.