Sunday 16th July 2006 - Keswick

On Sunday 16 July our walks are in the Keswick area of the Lake District. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt. There will be a toilet stop at Tebay services on the M6. Note the B+ and A walks will leave the coach en route to Keswick. We plan to leave Keswick at 5.15 pm to be back in Formby at about 7.30 pm. All walks finish in Keswick where there are plenty of après walk facilities.

Please return Booking form by Thurday 8th July.
‘A’ Walk
Distance:11 miles
Ascent: 3,250 ft
Ian Currie
Gordon Spence


Starting at Dodd Wood (235282) we climb by Skill Beck to join a contour path through Longside Wood and Rabbit Warren to the start of our splendid ridge walk .
Along The Edge to Ullock Pike (lunch and great views, hopefully) and continue to Carlside .
Here we tackle the formidably steep, but safe, scree to Skiddaw (3,053 ft).
The descent to Keswick by Jenkins Hill and the Cumbria Way is less dramatic but provides an unequalled panorama of the north lakes.
‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 2,500 ft
John Hughes
Trevor Ludlow

Starting from Scales on the A66, the main objective is the summit of Blencathra (2,800 ft).
The climbing is completed before lunch, using the easiest route on good paths, always at an even gradient.
Both the ascent and descent provide magnificent panoramic Lakeland views.
The next section, in contrast to the open fells, is through the glades of Brundholme Woods close to the river Greta.
Finally we follow a disused railway line into Keswick.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 150ft
Linda Trollope
David Willis

A lovely, scenic walk with very little climbing and excellent views throughout, weather permitting.
We hope to catch the hourly ferry from Keswick for a 5-minute trip across Derwent Water to Nichol End. For this we need to be at the jetty by 11.15am.
The cost will be £1.20 for adults, 60p children (£1.10 & 55p if there are more than 10 of us.)
Please do have change, as we'd prefer to collect on the coach and book en masse on arrival.
If we are unable to take the boat for any reason we will proceed via Keswick town and Portinscale to Nichol End, an extra 2 miles thereabouts.
From Nichol End our walk, is through fields and woodland glades and along the lakeside to Manesty thence across a sturdy duckboard path to Lodore. We return to Keswick along woodland paths and the opposite shoreline.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7½ miles.
Ascent: 400 ft
Stuart Norris

David Turton

This circular walk based on Keswick includes sections through wooded valleys, open moorland and the lake margins.
Starting from Keswick we follow the line of a dismantled railway that climbs steadily to Brundholme. We then walk to Castlerigg Stone Circle and then on to Great Wood via High Nest.
A path through the woods leads us to the Lake and we follow the lakeside path back to Keswick.