Sunday 22nd January 2006 - Clitheroe

On Sunday 22 January our walks are in the Clitheroe area. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt. There will be no toilets at the start of the walks Due to the time of the year and the terrain, there will be no ‘A' Walk, but an excellent ‘B+' Walk should satisfy our regular ‘A' walkers. We plan to leave Clitheroe at 4.45 pm to be back in Formby at about 18.30 pm. Conditions underfoot mean walking boots will be essential.

Please return Booking form by Thurday 12th January.
‘B+’ Walk
Distance:12 miles
Ascent: 2,000 ft
Merion Williams
Gordon Spencer

We alight from the coach as it nears Clitheroe and cross the busy A59 to walk the fields to Wiswell.
A short steep ascent soon provides good views which we maintain for most of the day.
From Nick of Pendle we have a gradual climb on good paths to the trig point (577m).
We now turn west to pick up Burst Clough and the descent to Angram Green.
A pleasant walk across fields to Clitheroe is interrupted by a second crossing of the A59.
Finally, we have a 40 minute walk through town to the coach park, but should find cafes and pubs open.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8/10 miles
Ascent: 800ft
David Willis
Linda Trollope

After carefully crossing Edisford Bridge , we follow the road until we veer off uphill across fields to Bashall Barn, where we can stop for coffee and a quick browse before we continue via track and fields to Talbot Bridge.
Here we begin our one short, stiff climb up to Burbles Hill for lunch.
We continue over farmland via Cuttoch Clough, then descend via Eaves House to the River Ribble and follow the track back to Edisford Bridge.
Time and conditions will dictate whether we cross over Brungerly Bridge or go via Bradford Bridge and the nature reserve and Sculpture Park.
There is a fair amount of bog-trotting, stile climbing and meeting with inquisitive but friendly animals on this walk (boots are essential, gaiters advisable) but it's enjoyable.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7 ½ miles.
Ascent: 200ft
Dave Griffiths

Stuart Norris

A fairly level circular walk with field paths, riverside paths some road walking and numerous stiles (21) none of which is difficult.
From the car park we head west over Edisford Bridge and then turn off northwest across fields to Clough Bottom.
From ere we make our way via fields and road to Waddington. We than cross more fields to reach Bradford Bridge over the River Ribble.
After crossing the bridge, we take a riverside patch ( Ribble Way ) back to Clitheroe.
On reaching the B6478 by Brungerley Bridge, we have the option of continuing the walk alongside the river to the car park or walking through the town and then out to the car park which is approximately 1 mile from the town centre. The scent is gradual over a distance of 2 miles.
It can be very muddy after rain, ankle deep in places on the day of the recce.