Sunday 17th October 2004 - Churnet Valley, Froghall

On Sunday 17 October we will be walking in a new area for the Club, The Churnet Valley and Caldon Canal area around Froghall in Staffordshire. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt. There are toilets at the start of the walks therefore there will be no toilet stop en route.  All walks finish at Froghall Wharf where there is a tea-room open until 4.30 pm and a pub about a quarter of a mile away (if it is open on a Sunday, it wasn't on the Tuesday of my recce!).   We plan to leave Froghall Wharf at 5.00 pm to be back in Formby at about 7.00 pm. Conditions underfoot mean walking boots will be essential.

Please return Booking form by Thurday 16th September.
‘A’ Walk
Distance: 13 miles
1400 ft
Margaret Pegg
John & Edwina Roberts

From Froghall Wharf we head east along the disused tramway before continuing south along the Staffordshire and Moorlands Walk to Staffordshire's Best Kept Village for 2004 - Oakamoor.
South of Oakamoor we find Furnace Woods with a smelting mill and beautiful millpond at one end and the site of the first furnace in Northern Britain (C16) at the other end. 
The homeward leg follows the Staffordshire Way from Hawksmoor Woods until it descends to the Caldon Canal that we follow back to Froghall.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 11miles
Ascent: n1000ft
Andy Fowler
Jane Fowler

An undulating walk with a number of steady but gentle climbs. 
Leaving Froghall, we climb on the Staffordshire Moorlands Way through woodland to reach the disused quarry tramway.
Crossing fields along Whiston Common we rejoin the Moorlands Way, descending through deciduous woodland to Cotton Dell - a nature and wildlife reserve.
We climb out of the Dell to Peggy's Wood and onward to Cotton churchyard. 
Crossing fields of longhorn cattle and deer we progress to the delightful village of Farley and onwards to the Ramblers Retreat (where if time permits, refreshments may be taken) to the screams from Alton Towers.
Steady climbing through woodland takes us to Hawksmoor National Trust nature reserve followed by our descent to the river and later beside the steam railway line back to Froghall.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8¼ miles
Ascent: 700ft
John McEvoy
David Wake

Starting from Froghall Wharf we cross the river Chernet and follow it downstream for a short distance before climbing up to Kingsley Holt.
From here we cross fields to Kingsley church and on across more fields (muddy in places and with several stiles) before descending into Connsall Wood.
A gradual climb out of the woods and across more fields brings us to the village of Connsall and the road to Connsall Forge. 
We drop down through fields to a stairway leading down to the Caldon Canal, the river Chernet, a bank of restored lime kilns, the Chernet Valley Railway and the Black Lion Pub. (Pubs in this area don't seem to open during the daytime midweek. I am not sure about the weekend).
The canal towpath takes us back past a ruined flint mill to the coach at Froghall Wharf.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 6 ½ miles.
Ascent: 500ft
Steve Wright

David Turton

This circular walk includes both woodland sections and open country with good views, weather permitting. We start at Froghall Wharf making our way gently upwards through woods and fields to Ipstones where refreshments are available. 
From here, we walk to Belmont Hall and descend via the Devil's Staircase to the Churnet valley. 
Our return to Froghall Wharf is along the towpath of the Caldon Canal.