Sunday 21th November 2004 - Settle

On Sunday 21 November we visit Settle in the Ribble Valley with its history and great variety of attractive limestone scenery.
The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt and travel directly to Settle where the B+, B and C Parties walks will start.
There are toilets here but you will need a 10p coin to use them. The coach continues with the A party to Horton in Ribblesdale - free toilets here! We plan to leave Settle at 5.00 pm to be back in Formby at about 7.00 pm.­ Conditions underfoot mean walking boots are essential

Please return Booking form by Thursday 11th October.
‘A’ Walk
Distance: 12 miles
2000 ft
Merion Williams
Gordon Spence

From Horton we follow a good path to the top of Pen-y-ghent (2,300 ft), the highest point of the day.
A steep descent to the south takes us to a boggy path leading to Moor Head Lane .
Here we turn south east on tracks and a minor road before crossing a rough grassy moor to Catrigg Force.
From here we do the reverse of the B+ walk to Settle.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10½ miles
Ascent: 1200 ft
John Hughes
John Rothwell
John Rothwell

All of the climbing of this moderate, varied B+ walk is at the start as we leave Settle in an easterly direction.
The climb starts even before we leave the tarmac, we will take it easy with no rush.
Our objective is Attermire Cave where we turn northerly knowing that all the hard work for the day is behind us.
Passing Victoria Cave , we meet up with a track that veers easterly again before we leave it to head off over fields on a path that exists on the ground but not on the map.
At this point, be prepared to cross a small beck without the benefit of a man-made crossing of any sort.
More pleasant, level walking leads us to the spectacular waterfall, Catrigg Force, where we will have a slightly later than usual lunch stop.
Our route now takes us down to Stainforth from where we join the river Ribble for the final pleasant section along the Ribble Way , back to Settle.
Route: map. Recce photos:
Catrigg Force and Stainforth Force

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8¼ miles
Ascent: 700ft
Linda Trollope
David Wills

A satisfying walk which, weather permitting, affords some magnificent views. Leaving Settle, we cross the River Ribble and skirt Giggleswick Scar allowing time to admire the scenery. (For those of a scientific bent, this is the edge of the Craven fault).
We veer north across moorland and eventually descend to the hamlet of Feizor (sorry, no pub!).
From here we begin to climb again at a steady pace, level off and go up again until we reach the head of the pass, revealing dramatic views over Riversdale - it's downhill from now on.
We make for Little Stainforth and then the river where we turn right to pass the thundering Stainforth Force, which is well worth seeing.
We now follow the same path as the ‘C' walkers, along the river which is very pleasant, but can be a bit boggy in places, over a stream until eventually we deflect at a weir to visit Stackhouse, with its very attractive properties.
We turn back across fields to rejoin the Ribble Way . Watch out for ducks white-water riding – it's an amusing sight. It's then back to Settle and whatever victuals we can find.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 6¾ miles.
Ascent: 725 ft
David Griffiths

Stuart Norris

A very worthwhile expedition to Catrigg Force, the finest in the Craven District with splendid views of attractive limestone scenery and a riverside walk to finish.
It is likely to be muddy and slippery in places, particularly after rain. There are a few stiles, none difficult and two climbs up to Catrigg Force.
From Settle we make our way up Constitution Hill and out onto sloping sheep pasture.
We continue climbing before curving down to Langcliffe village green and head towards the impressive cliff of Langcliffe Quarry.
We steadily climb up again to Lower Winskill and on to Catrigg Force.
Here a stream-draining Fountains Fell takes a double leap into a rocky hall adorned with mature trees.
We follow a track down to the village of Stainforth, crossing Stainforth Beck via stepping stones, (there is a road alternative) and down to the River Ribble, following the river back to Settle.