Sunday 19th July 2005 - Coniston

On Sunday 17 July we visit Coniston in the Lake District . The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt. There will be a toilet stop at the M6 Services where everyone must have their boots on and rucksacks ready for a quick roadside disembarkation as follows:

1st ‘B' Walk at Birk Brow
2nd ‘B+' at Torver
3rd ‘C' Walk at Coniston. (Circular walk).
4th ‘A' Walk at High Yewdale.

All walks finish in Coniston and we aim to leave at 5.30 pm to be back in Formby by about 8.00 pm..

Please return the slip, completed in full, with a cheque ( NOT CASH ), in an envelope marked “Range Walking Club”, to the school office by Thursday 7 July.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 4,000 ft
Merion Williams
Gordon Spence

A mile walk up a quiet lane takes us to Yewdale Beck and then the splendid easy scramble to the top of Weatherlam (2502 ft.).
On the steep descent to Swirl Hawse we have impressive views of Prison Band, our route to Swirl How (2630 ft.).
Taking the south ridge we have a high level 2-mile walk to Coniston Old Man, only 3 feet higher than Swirl How!
The descent to Coniston is steep initially and follows Coppermines valley to the centre of the village.



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 2,800 ft
Trevor Ludlow
John Hughes

The walk begins at Torver, a couple of miles before Coniston, and follows near Torver Beck up to The Walna Scar Road. 
At Walna Scar the ascent continues up to Brown Pike (2400') from where the effort is amply rewarded by an exhilarating ridge walk to Buck Pike and Dow Crag (2600'). 
Further commanding views are provided by the final summit at The Old Man of Coniston (2800'). 
The descent through Coppermines valley passes Low Water, and waterfalls at Miners Bridge , on the way to Coniston.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 750 ft
Steve Wright
David Willis

This leisurely ‘B' Walk should be attractive to many ‘C' walkers who would like to try something only slightly more strenuous, although the route is rough or boggy underfoot in places.
It's a pleasant walk, covering both fell and common land, with good views of Coniston Water and surrounding hills.

Starting at Birk Row (just south of Blawith) there is a gentle climb to the fell.
Broadly following the Cumbrian Way, we pass several attractive tarns (Beacon, Torver, Kelly Hall and Long Moss) before descending to Coniston Water and then along its wooded shore to Coniston with its wide range of facilities.

‘C’ Walk
Distance:6½ miles.
Ascent: 600 ft
Stuart Norris

David Turton

This circular walk includes sections in the open fells, in birch woods and along the margins of Coniston Water.

From Coniston we climb steadily to Heathwaite and on to the disused quarries near Eddy Scale.

We then follow the footpath along Torver Beck down to Little Arrow and then to the lakeside path via Torver Common Wood.

We return to Coniston along the lakeside path.