Sunday 23rd January 2005 - Grassington

On Sunday 23 January we visit Grassington in the Wharfedale area with its great variety of attractive limestone scenery.

The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt and travel directly to Grassington where the ‘B+', ‘B' and ‘C' walks will start. There are toilets here. The ‘A' party leave the coach on the way to Grassington. We plan to leave Grassington at 5.00 pm to be back in Formby at about 7.00 pm. Conditions underfoot mean walking boots are essential.

Please return Booking form by Thursday 13th January.
‘A’ Walk
Distance: 13 miles
1,100 ft
Ken Bryning
Bob Scurr

The Western Skyline of Barden Moor.
The highlight of this walk is undoubtedly the splendid tramp along the line of gritstone edges, which mark the western edge of this heather clad grouse moor.
Starting at the Craven Heifer Pub (grid ref 983534) on the B6265, just North of Skipton, via fields we proceed to Embsay reservoir, before starting the gradual moorland ascent taking in Crookrise Crag, the delightful Gill Beck falls, Rylstone Cross, Cracoe Obelisk to the chimney on Burnsall and Thorpe Fell.
Descent is then made via Thorpe to the river Wharfe at Hebden before joining the Dales Way along the river to Grassington, and a well-earned spot of re-hydration at the Devonshire Arms!



‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 1,400ft
Dave Purdy
Glennis Poole

From Grassington we gradually gain height as we walk northwards on the Dales Way , enjoying magnificent limestone scenery and ancient field systems. 
At Scot Gate Lane we descend to Conistone and cross the River Wharfe.
From Bow Bridge we ascend to Mastiles Lane and soon turn southwards to cross Malham Moor. 
We change direction again at Height Laithe to walk through woodland, as far as Wood Lane . 
A short stretch on tarmac takes us towards tracks leading to the picturesque village of Linton . 
From here it is a short walk to Linton Falls and then up Sedber Lane to the car park at Grassington.

‘B’ Walk
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 1,000 ft
Janet Purdy
Ray Webb

Leaving the cobbled streets of Grassington behind us, we head north and cross the medieval field system (and numerous stiles) to reach the moors above the town.
Turning southeast to the hamlet of Yarnbury (015659), we pass through the remains of the lead mining industry that made Grassington a thriving town in the 19 th century.
From the mines we veer south, above Hebden Beck and close to Mossy Moor Reservoir, passing to the east of the village of Hebden.
Joining the river at the Suspension Bridge (025624), we then follow the Wharfe back to Grassington.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7½ miles.
Ascent: 800 ft
Barry Whitby

Peter Houghton

This circular walk offers many fine views as we explore the terrain and experience the different types of stiles found around Grassington.
Leaving the coach we head towards the river Wharfe, which we then follow downstream for a short distance, before crossing a series of small fields to reach the pretty village of Hebden.
Leaving the village alongside the stream, we soon start climbing. We will take our time here as it is a little steep, up to Scar Top House and on to the Mossy Moor Ridge.
Now heading first northwards and then westwards, we reach an area scarred by mine workings.
On reaching the Duke's New Road track we take a footpath across fields to Moor Lane.
Having first admired the view overlooking Grassington, we then make our way back to the coach by skirting the western side of the village and returning via the river.