Sunday 28th September 2003 - Ambleside, Lake District

This month we visit Ambleside in the Lake District for four popular lakes’ walks. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 a.m. prompt with a toilet stop en route and we hope to be back in Formby before 20.00 hrs.

Because of the lower attendances recently we may have to restrict the numbers on this walk to one coach, unless the returned letters give over 70 walkers, so get your letters in early.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 3,000 ft
Margaret Pegg
John Roberts

The Classic Fairfield Horseshoe
Leaving Ambleside, we proceed along the path past Rydal House and start the ascent from which we gain wonderful views of Rydal Water and Grasmere.
We continue the ascent to Fairfield via Heron Pike and Great Rigg. This is a lovely ridge walk with excellent views.
The descent back to Ambleside is via Hart Crag, Dove Crag, High Pike and Low Pike.
The path into Ambleside takes us past High Sweden Coppice, Low Sweden Bridge and Charlotte Mason College


‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 8½ miles
Ascent: 2,400 ft
Dave Poole
Steve McIlraith

This walk goes via High Sweden Bridge into Scandale Pass. Following the beck which flows down here we ascend very gradually through Scandale Bottom to the foot of Red Screes (2541').
We then turn due east and ascend this fell which among its attributes includes one of the finest views and the biggest cairn east of the Keswick-Windermere road.
We then descend by Kilnshaw Chimney (steep and loose underfoot) to the Kirkstone Pass Inn and then back to Ambleside via Stock Ghyll.


‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 1,000 ft
John McEvoy
David Wake

Classic circular Lakeland walk from Ambleside over Wansfell Pike. From the car park we climb gradually along stony track to Jenkin’s Crag for fantastic views of almost the entire length of Windermere.
Continuing the gradual ascent, the stony track gives way to a grassy path before reaching the road and the pretty village of Troutbeck. (Possibly liquid refreshments at the Mortal Man).
Refreshed, we follow a tract up on to The Hundreds and our goal Wansfell Pike with panoramic views.
The descent, although steep, has been made easier by the reconstruction of the stepped path. The final gem in this walk is the path through woodland past Skelwith Falls and back to the car park.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 6 ½ miles.
Ascent: 350ft
Steve Wright
David Turton

This walk provides good views of Rydal Water and Grasmere and, weather permitting, the central fells.
From Ambleside we go through Rothay Park to join the quiet lane that follows the River Rothay to Peter Bridge.
From here we take a bridleway; to the southern shore of Rydal Water and then on to a vantage point at the end of Grasmere.
After crossing the stream between Grasmere and Rydal Water, we climb to sa pathway which follows the contours to Rydal Hall. Passing Rydal Falls we walk through Rydal Park and back to Ambleside.

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