Sunday 19th October 2003 - Appleby

This month we visit Appleby in Cumbria. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 a.m. prompt with a toilet stop en route. We will leave Appleby at 5.00 p.m. and expect to be back in Formby before 19.30 hrs.

Because of the lower attendances recently we may have to restrict the numbers on this walk to one coach, unless the returned letters give over 70 walkers, so get your letters in early.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 14 miles
Ascent: 2,550 ft
Rob Buck
Merion Williams

The walk starts in the village of Dufton from which we head north skirting Dufton Pike and Brownber Hill to ascend the peak of Knock Old Man at 800m.
We then cross High Scald Fell and Blackstone Edge with spectacular views of the Eden Vale and the eastern peaks of the Lake District.
The route continues around the dramatic High Cup Nick, over Murton Pike to finish in the market town of Appleby-in-Westmoreland.
Due to the length of this walk, a good pace will have to be maintained throughout.


‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 2,000 ft
Dave Miles
Gordon Spence

The walk starts near Dufton following the Pennine Way to High Cup Nick for lunch.
A short steep climb takes us to a walk along High Cup Scar at about 2,200 ft to the highest point of the day.
The walk from here to Murton Pike is over rough tufty grass with little or no track but offers beautiful views of Scotland, the Lakes, the Howgills and the three peaks (if we are lucky!).
A steep descent to Murton leads to a gentle walk over the Eden Valley to Appleby.


‘B’ Walk
Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: Negligible
John Rothwell
John Hughes

The walk begins on the A66 north of Appleby at Powys Cottages (652937) and follows field paths to Long Morton and then along Park Brow.
A pretty woodland path beside Mill Beck leads to the entrance into the Woodland Trust property of Dufton Ghyll with its interesting and picturesque overgrown quarries.
The return route to Appleby is mainly open fields except for Flakebridge wood.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 7½ miles.
Ascent: 100ft
Stuart Norris
Chris Norris

This circular walk starts in Appleby.
We then head out west on footpaths and road to Colby Bridge, turning south along a path to Hoff Beck, leading to Hoff.
We then turn east to Great Ormside to pick up the path beside the river Eden and thus return to Appleby.

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