Sunday 19th November 2003 - Pendle Hill

This month we visit Barrowford in Pendle. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt with a toilet stop en route and we hope to be back in Formby before 20.00 hrs.

Because of the lower attendances recently we may have to restrict the numbers on this walk to one coach, unless the returned letters give over 70 walkers, so get your letters in early.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 12½ miles
Ascent: 1,900 ft
Ken Bryning
Bob Scur

Starting at the Heritage Centre in Barrowford we climb out of the village and then follow footpaths, lanes and part of the Pendle Way along the ridge line, heading roughly south-west, towards Sabden Fold.
Rising up through Cock Clough Plantation we gain the top of Spence Moor and head west (‘damp’ underfoot!) towards the Nick O’ Pendle path which we follow by way of an excellent path up Ogden Clough and some very thoughtfully placed flagstones to attain the summit of Pendle Hill (1832 ft).
There are fine views from the summit in all directions – given the usual caveat with the weather. Descending from Pendle Hill, we pass Pendle House and follow paths into Barley, where it would be rude not to visit the Pendle Inn as we pass.
Suitably fortified, we then follow the Pendle Way all the way back into Barrowford. A superb walk taking in both village and high moorland scenery.


‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 10½ miles
Ascent: 1,800 ft
Dave Purdy
Glennis Poole

From the Heritage Centre at Barrowford we follow the Pendle Way north-west, using field tracks and woodland paths and passing just north of Roughlee on the way to the pretty hamlet of Barley Green.
At Barley we start to go up the lower slopes of Pendle Hill until we reach Pendle House, before the final fairly steep climb to the top. It is well worth the effort to see the views.
After walking south along the ridge and returning to Pendle House by another path, we continue to the Black Moss reservoirs and a minor road.
Depending on the conditions, we shall either follow the road or field tracks to re-join the Pendle Way at Claude’s Clough.
It is a pleasant walk from here back to Barrowford along riverside paths.
If the weather is bad we have the option of omitting the final climb to the top of Pendle Hill.
You may like to read the book ‘Mist over Pendle’ before you go, as many of the places we pass are associated with this story of witchcraft in Lancashire.


‘B’ Walk
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 650 ft
Janet Purdy
Ray Webb

A circular walk that some Club members may recently have undertaken with the “Strollers”.
With Blacko Hill in sight for most of the day, we will be rarely far from river, canal or reservoir, allowing plenty of opportunity to spot wildlife, including an allegedly 'tame' heron.
Although potentially boggy in parts, there will be only one short but stiffish climb.
Weather permitting there should be attractive views from the higher ground.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 8 miles.
Ascent: 800ft
Barry Whitby
Peter Houghton

After a short stretch of road walking, we then take a series of field paths to Newchurch in Pendle before continuing via Fell Wood to Upper Ogden Reservoir.
Turning north, we now climb to the lower slopes of Pendle Hill before heading eastwards through the villages of Barley and Roughlee back to Barrowford.
This is an undulating walk with good views, varied scenery and even a stream to cross by stepping stones.

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