Sunday 20th June 2004 - Dent

On Sunday 20 June we visit Dent. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt and there will be a toilet stop en route at the Motorway Services at Burton. All walks finish in Dent where there is the usual end of walk facilities. We plan to leave at 17.30 hrs to be back in Formby at about 19:30 hrs. Conditions are expected to be muddy and walking boots will be essential.
Dent link 1
Dent link 2
Map Location
A Walk
Distance: 13.5 miles
Ascent: 2,850 ft
Bob Scurr
Ken Bryning

From the car park in Dent we head southwest climbing out of Dent via Flinters Gill.
A short climb takes us onto Crag Hill 2250ft, and then a short ridge walk via Great Coum 2267ft before descending to the green Occupation Road.
On reaching the minor road at the head of Kingsdale we climb to the summit of Whernside 2428ft and hopefully enjoy a panorama of views over Ribblehead and towards Ingleborough.
Descent is via Whernside Tarns, the Craven Way and the Dales Way to Dent


B+ Walk
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 1,600 ft
Dave Purdy
Glennis Poole

This is a chance to do an interesting but strenuous walk on fells not previously visited by the club, but an ability to scale walls and fences is required. From the car park at Dent we follow the Dales Way footpath westwards as far as Barth Bridge and then turn northwards to reach Lunds.
From there we follow grassy (sometimes muddy) tracks and then a ridge track that climbs steadily to the summit of Aye Gill Pike.
If this sounds boring, the continually changing views of Dentdale, Garsdale, Whernside and the Howgills should make up for it.
Carrying on in the same direction the views change to include limestone pavements and the Settle to Carlisle railway.
We hope the tracks down to Cowgill church do not have any more 4 x 4 vehicles on them before we return!
The way back to Dent follows the valley of the river Dee, using a minor road and the Dales Way. Depending on the conditions, the leaders may shorten the walk, either at the beginning or at the end.


B Walk
Distance: 9.5 miles
Ascent: 1,200 ft
Janet Purdy
Ray Webb

After a gentle start of low level walking across fields and over becks, we climb up to Green Lane where there will be spectacular views of the surrounding fells and the distant Howgills.
Assuming the weather is as it should be in June, the home leg, through sleepy Deepdale and besides the River Dee, should round the day off nicely.

C Walk
Distance:7.25 miles.
Ascent:900 ft
Barry Whitby
Peter Houghton

Leaving Dent we are soon passing through fields of animals as we climb via Mill Beck and High House to the Barbondale Road.
After a short stretch of uphill road walking we head north contouring the hillside for good views until we reach the ruined Combe House.
Descending steadily we pass Tofts and continue downhill to cross the river at Ellers on our way to Mire House.
With an easy afternoon planned we will have time to check out the craft centre at Helmside, ice creams available.
The final part of the walk is a mixture of quiet lanes and fields as we make our way via Rawridding, Hacre and High Hall back to Dent.

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