Sunday 25th January 2004 - Broughton in Furness

This month we visit Broughton in Furness in the South West Lake District. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 am prompt with a toilet stop en route and we hope to be back in Formby before 20.00 hrs. The ‘C' walk is a circular walk and last to start, all the others are linear walks. Conditions are expected to be muddy and walking boots will be essential.

Because of the lower attendances recently we may have to restrict the numbers on this walk to one coach, unless the returned letters give over 70 walkers, so get your booking form in early or by Thursday 15 January at the latest.

‘A’ Walk
Distance: 11½ miles
(alt 10 miles)
Ascent: 2,250 ft
(alt 2,000 ft)
John & E Roberts
Margaret Pegg
Leaving Torver, we follow Torver Beck north pausing only to admire a deep quarry into which a beautiful waterfall tumbles, on our way up towards Goat's Foot Crags below Coniston Old Man.
From here we have two alternative routes :- 1) In good weather with ample time, we shall pass Goat's Water and climb up to Goat's Hause turning west onto Dow Crag , Buck Pike and Brown Pike in succession with fine views of Coniston and Dunnerdale.
2) In adverse weather, or if delayed, we shall instead follow Walna Scar Road directly towards Brown Pike.
The walk continues along Walna Scar Road above Dunnerdale before turning southwest past quarries to Broughton via the woods of Postlethwaite Allotment alongside the River Lickle.


‘B+’ Walk
Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 1,500 ft
Andy Fowler
David Poole
This is an undulating walk but it has no long steep climbs.
Starting on the A593 at GR 245910, we ascend through Banks Wood to Bracelet Hall with fine views of the Valley.
Descending steeply to Stock Beck, we continue through woodland to Stephenson Ground whence we follow the stream north-westwards up the valley towards Caw for lunch.
Given a clear day, the views over the Furness coast and northwards to the Scafell range are stunning.
Turning south, we continue over the Dunnerdale Fells to Green Bank and our finish in Broughton.


‘B’ Walk
Distance: 9½ miles
Ascent: 500 ft
John McEvoy
David Wake

Although slightly longer than the ‘B+' walk, there are no steep climbs and more than half of the walk is on the level.
Starting from Blawith on the A593 (GR 885 288) we venture west then south west along green lanes and moorland tracks to Tottlebank and on to Far Houses.
Here we turn south to Grizebeck, then over a slight rise to Chapels where we pick up the very flat Cumbrian Coastal Way , which we follow westwards to Foxfield.
Our route then is northwards to Coal Gate, across a shallow valley to Eccle Riggs and on into Broughton, the end of the walk.

‘C’ Walk
Distance: 6½ miles.
Ascent: 350 ft
Steve Wright
David Turton
This circular walk starting and finishing at Broughton, includes a variety of terrain and weather permitting, good views of the Duddon estuary to the west and the central fells to the east.
From Broughton, we make our way through fields to Middlescough and then Thornthwaite Latter Rigg via a short steep ascent, which will be taken slowly.
From here we descend gradually, going past Woodland Hall to enter Buttstead Wood.
A woodland path leads to a quiet lane and after a short ascent, the newly opened Broughton bridleway which is based on the Broughton-Coniston railway.
The bridleway takes us back to Broughton by a gentle, continuous descent.