Sunday 22nd September 2002 - Horton in Ribblesdale

There are 4 walks to choose from so hopefully there should be something suitable for all. The walks all finish in Horton in Ribblesdale where plenty of facilities are available from pubs to the famous Pen-y-ghent Café where you check in if you are doing the Three Peaks Walk. It also serves pint mugs of tea!

'A' Walk

Starting at Horton in Ribblesdale the walk follows the Pennine Way to the summit of Pen-y-ghent an excellent viewpoint at 694m. The route then continues with a rocky descent south, still following the Pennine way to make the ascent of Fountains Fell. A pleasant descent from Fountains Fell eventually takes us to another ascent of Knowle Fell continuing North West to pick up the Ribble Way which we follow back to Horton in Ribblesdale.

Distance: 13 miles Ascent: 2,600 ft Leader: Ian Mitchell

'B+' Walk

This is a varied walk starting in the river valley and then rising onto the fells. If the weather is kind the views will be exceptional and a more than adequate reward for the climbing. We start in Settle and follow the Ribble Way along the river as far as Stainforth. Here the nature of the walk changes as we start to ascend onto the fells. As the ascent proceeds we leave the Ribble Way and traverse high pastureland on a clear path until we join the Pennine Way coming in from the east. This point in the walk marks the start of the short but steep ascent of Pen-y-ghent. After resting on the summit we descend into Horton in Ribblesdale, staying on the Pennine Way throughout. The Pen-y-ghent café faces us as we emerge onto the road.

Distance: 10 miles Ascent: 1,600 ft Leaders: John Hughes and John Rothwell

'B' Walk

We start at the market town of Settle the jumping off point for the trip on the famous Settle -Carlisle railway. However we confine our efforts to our feet and legs. We basically follow the relatively new "Ribble Way" which is based on the river of that name. The walk does stray from the riverbank in places and even threatens to take us up into the hills at one stage so some minimal ascent is involved plus one or two hummocks to wander over. We pass waterfalls and deep pools en route and views abound throughout the day. Toilet facilities exist at Settle before we set off. Our finish point is Horton in Ribblesdale where refreshments and toilet facilities await those seeking such.

Distance: 8 miles Ascent 750 ft Leaders: Dave Luty and A.N.Other

'C' Walk

As with the other walks our trip is based on the "Ribble Way". Our starting point is near the village of Stainforth. Toilet facilities are available at Settle when we drop the "B" party. At the beginning we head for them thar hills but the thought of such climbs will quickly disappear into a gentle ascent of some 450ft which virtually represents the total ascent for the day. Having been away from the river we then return to its meandering path and whilst generally following its passage through the dale we do have several places where we diverge from its course. Our terminus is the village of Horton where refreshments etc await us.
Distance: 6½ miles. Ascent 550 feet Leaders: David Griffiths and A.N.Other