Sunday 24 November 2002 - Windermere

This month we visit Beatrix Potter countryside in the Lake District. All walks start and finish in Bowness on Windermere and cross the lake by the ferry.

‘A’ Walk

From the ferry we go to Far Sawrey and make our way to Satterthwaite past Toon End , Eel House and Breasty Haw’s. After Satterthwaite we pass interesting sculptures in Grisedale Forest up to Carron Crag. Weather permitting the views of the surrounding fells are stunning. Heading north, we have views of the Old Man of Coniston as we walk towards Moor Top before returning to the ferry via Esthwaite Water, Near and Far Sawrey.

Distance: 13 miles Ascent: 1,500 ft Leaders: Margaret Pegg, John and Edwina Roberts

‘B+’ Walk

Disembarking from the ferry we follow roads and paths to Sawrey Hotel. We leave the road and head north along the Bridleway over Claife Heights past Moss Eccles and White Een tarns, then north westerly through the hamlets of Colthouse and Outgate where lunch will be taken, (with the possibility of liquid refreshment!). The route then continues north east along tracks to Wray Castle on the banks of Windermere. From here we head south along the lakeside track back to the ferry.

Distance: 11 miles. Ascent: 600 feet. Leaders: John McEvoy, David Poole.

‘B’ Walk

We follow the B+ Party from the ferry to the Sawrey Hotel, Moss Eccles and Wise Een tarns. We then continue north through conifer plantations and deciduous woodland before emerging at High Wray. Here we turn east then south to take the lakeside track through more deciduous woodland to the ferry. We retrace our steps from the ferry to the coach waiting in Bowness.
Distance: 9½ miles. Ascent: 600 feet. Leaders: Steve Wright, David Wake.

‘C’ Walk

This circular walk includes a section though partly cleared woodland that will be taken slowly. From Bowness we make our way by footpaths to the ferry and having crossed the lake, we walk to Far Sawrey. From here we follow a bridleway past three tarns up to Claife Woods. The path through the woodland eventually leads us to good views of Windermere. After a gentle descent we follow the lakeside back to the ferry and then Bowness.

Distance: 8 miles Ascent: 600 ft Leaders: David and Frances Turton